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Posts posted by rfeng2003

  1. I had an HT done about 9 months ago. I'm pretty happy with the results so far. I'd like it to be a little thicker, but i know I have another 3 months to go, and I'm just greedy.


    I've been taking Fin since I got my HT. And I use Rogaine once per day.

    The last couple of months, my wife mentioned that she see's more hair in the bathtub and sink and floor in our restroom. She mentioned for a while after i started taking Fin, that she didn't see too much hair at all...but just recently, seems to be more hair around.


    Not a ton, but enough for her to notice.




    1. I got another new batch of Fin at Costco about 3 months ago. Could it be a bad batch and not working as well? Looks like it's made by Actavis.


    2. I haven't been super religous with the rogaine the last few months. Where i will miss a day or two...but in most part, i try to use it once per day


    Or, could this just be normal shedding of my native hairs?


    Thanks for any advice or comments

  2. @ David,


    Thanks. I used to stress over it a little bit around the 4 month mark, but now that I certainly see growth, not so much.


    However, I wish I could somehow stop looking at it in the mirror, or every reflection I see.


    Sounds weird, but sometimes I see my reflection in the microwave in my kitchen, and with the light in my kitchen, it just seems to really show through and see my scalp.

    But when I look in my bathroom mirrors, it looks fine.


    I think I should just tape a piece of cardboard over my microwave! lol

  3. I wanted to post my 6 months updates.

    I'm pretty happy so far with the results.

    Of course, I wish there was more hair by now, but I know I just need to be patient.

    I guess I have another 6 months to go


    Much better from where I started at least.

    I attached preop and 6 mos update pics to see the comparison.


    Any feedback would be great!





  4. I'm just about at my 4 month mark. I know I can't expect much at this point, but I wanted to see if it looks like I am somewhat on track? I do see some thin hairs sprouting through, but certainly not from every incision. I would have thought by this point, all the hairs would have sprouted through, but they would just be very thin and short?


    The first 2 pics are my pre-op photos, and the 2nd two I just took last night at 4 months.





  5. What are the best vitamins/supplments to take after an HT to help speed up and support good hair growth of the transplanted hairs? My doctor sells 30 day supply of his own supplement for $30. Was curious if there is something out there on say Amazon for cheaper or maybe better?



    It contains:


    Vitamin A

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin E



    Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B12

    Folic Acid


    Pantothenic Acid




  6. Meshkin's graft counts are always very suspect. He seems to cover areas with lower amounts of grafts than other doctors. I think he's a master at deceptive photos. He also never posts on here.


    I agree, so time will tell how mine turns out. I'm almost at 3 months.

    I asked him why he didn't post here and why he wasn't part of the coalition list of doctors on this site. He stated it was for financial reasons.

    Although I would say that as long as he booked 1 patient per month due to this website, it would be worth it for him. But oh well, to each their own.

  7. Just posting a picture at 1.5 months.


    Nothing really exciting. It seems some of the grafts didn't shed, but I can't really tell.

    Hopefully I start seeing a little bit of growth at the 3 month mark.


    I added my pre-op pic as well for comparison.The pre-op photo is the one where i am wearing the checkered shirt



  8. My answer to your exact question is "I'm not sure."


    BUT I feel like my work was dense and at the hairline it was placed at 60grafts/cm2. I may be wrong but I've seen "dense-packed results" anywhere from 45-70 gr/cm2, depends immensely on hair caliber though


    Try searching "dense packed" using the search function


    i would agree that your HT was considered densely packed. That's a lot of grafts for a small area, which gave you a great result!

  9. Today I had my 2nd post op check up. My first was the day after my actual HT.

    This is 12 days post op.

    Dr. Meshkin removed the remaining scabs, and said the grafts healed up well, and the scar is healing well also.

    I expect the hairs to shed in a few weeks or so...and then the waiting game begins.


    I guess its too early to tell anything, but I appreciate any feedback



  10. Hi,


    I had my FUT HT done on 10/6. I return to work on 10/17, but I'm in technical sales, so I'll probably be needing to do customer visits as soon as I return to work.


    Any suggestions on things I can do with my hair style to make it less obvious that I just got an HT?

    I'll probably have my wife trim my hair, but I can't really think of how to trim it.

    As the donor hair in front is short, and my native hair is longer. Should I trim it all short?

    I attached a pic of my hair


    For the strip scar, I read some people use COUVRE? Anyone else use this stuff?




  11. He said he does FUE as well, but suggested FUT for me to preserve more donor hairs for the future. And it also saved me a few thousand dollars, so I went for it. He said I could cut my hair at a 3, and it should be no noticeable for the scar.


    I mainly saw one member here post his results on Meshkin, didn't look like someone who worked for him or anything. He had roughly the same situation as me, and he was very happy with the results. I sent him a PM to ask about his results.


    I feel that all doctors are going to treat the pictures on their website like a job reference, you're never going to put a bad one.

  12. Like many others, I pondered HT and found a lot of info on this forum. I'm 36, almost 37 in a December. I started noticing my hair loss a little about 7 years ago, but it seems like it really accelerated the last 3 years. I never really thought about HT, and figured i would just shave my head if i went bald....but I relaized i don't look very good with a shaved head.


    Anyhow, I really only contemplated HT for a few months. I visited one doctor in San Diego, did a couple email consultations out of state, then went to Newport Beach to consult with Dr. Meshkin. Its only about an hour drive for me. My first doctor in San Diego advised on FUE, the other 2 out of state suggest FUT.


    I met with Dr. Meshkin and he recommended 2500 FUT. He went over things fairly quickly, as I told him I already had prior consults and knew the jist of it. Overall, I saw his results here (although I don't think he is a coalition doctor), and they looked pretty good. Said I had very good donor hair, etc

    I did see one post where a patient was unhappy with his results from Meshkin....but I saw that Meshkin offered a full refund or to redo his work, which I thought was very noble.

    They were also the least pushy in their sales, and I liked that. Kind of worried me when some of these sales people came at me like i was buying a car.


    I arrived about 7:30am on Oct 6th. Went through the drill of my hairline and goal was to concentrate on the frontal region, although I asked if we could also fill in some of my mid scalp, for a total of 3000 FUT....I figured I might as well get as much as I could at once.



    Removing my strip took about 20 minutes, and the rest I was in and out of sleep.

    Overall pretty painless...the numbing shots weren't bad either.

    We finished up around 3pm..no breaks except a bathroom break for me, and my back was getting sore.

    Got some homeade chicken noodle soup, hung out for about 30 minutes, and I drove off to my hotel 10 min away.


    Overall 3030 FUT


    920 single

    1230 double

    880 3/4s


    First night I threw up when i got home, probably from the Carl's Jr double bacon cheeseburger I ate, after I popped my norco right before that. But overall, pretty easy first night. Dr. Meshkin gave me a call and made sure everything was going well. He gave me his personal cell phone for any questions.


    The next day, they removed my bandages, instructed on how to put the witch hazel and neosporin on my strip, and I was on my way home.



    So far no swelling, and pain has been minimal. Dr. Meshkin thinks it will turn out very well, but I'm sure he tells all his patitents that.....time will tell.


    Let me know what you all think. I will post more results as time goes by

    Sorry, the mid scalp pic isn't too clear where the implants went, but there weren't a whole lot put there...just some to fill in




  13. I have my FUT procedure with Dr. Meshkin on Oct 6th.


    I've been trying to find a forum post which gives some tips pre and post op.


    I know there must be someone that just wrote up some good post op summary, but I just can't find it.


    1. Main things I'd like to know are, any way to help improve the healing of the implants and make the scabs come off sooner? I read something about Vitamin E oil?


    2. Also, anything suggested to help the scar heal nicely? I know to stay away from working out, sports, stenuous activity, but anything to put on the scar to help it not show as much?


    3. Any tips on sleeping the first week after FUT surgery? Should I get some special pillow? Do I need to sleep on a towel? Things to help me sleep better?


    4. Is it OK to play and pick up my kids the next day after surgery? My kids are 2 yo and 6 months



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