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Posts posted by hopeisthebestthingihave

  1. Once again beautiful work and presentation, please may I ask with the patient being only on minoxidil and not finasteride was the doctor confident that this man will keep the existing native hair in his bridge area between the front and the vertex ? We're measures taken to allow for if this patient looses the bridge area ? And will he be able to cover future loss even after he has potentially 2000 grafts in the vertex ? Very interested in how a plan is made to keep things looking natural even if further loss occurs later in life ? Thanks


    I also think he should be on fin.


    But i'm guessing what happened is that he tried it out and got side effects. So he just decided to take the shot and get a HT regardless

  2. Says the man who is involved in selling finasterdie...


    Sleep problems with finasteride are very common. You would want to be blind not to see it.


    I am on fiinastiride for 7-8 months. I had sleeping issues from months 3-5 while o the drug. I thought the same thing that fin was causing my sleep issues. Turns out it wasn't.


    Around the 3rd month I was reading stories online about how evil fin is and it scared me shitless. That combined with the loss of my grandparent, I was depressed. 3 months after I found my sleep again. I still have sleep issues sometimes but I think that's with my depression and anxiety.


    I would recomend getting on ZMA, melatonin, and L-Arginine. (srs)


    Sleep issues are more rare than ED issues. and if you do get sleep issues it could be to due anxiety of the drug fin (reading stories online)

  3. I'm currently 23 years old. I want a HT but not anytime soon. I'm currently a Norwood 2.


    I've been on finastiride for 7-8 months and have seen my hair stop receding. I'm going to wait 3-5 years to see if finastiride stops hair loss or slows it down. Might move to dutriside if finastiride doesn't do the job.


    I was thinking about staying on finastiride/dut for 3-5 years before considering a hair transplant. If Fin/dut halts my hair loss than I would get a hair transplant but if it doesn't the I'd wait a few more years in to my 30's to see where my hair loss would stop or not.



    Hair loss is a big thing on my mothers side and non existent on my father's side. My father is 64 years old and is a legit NORWOOD 1.5. (fml).


    I think I got my mother's side genes and I am currently a Norwood 2.


    My goal hair transplant would be to NOT lower the hairline but even/thick it out. I've been looking at hair lines similar to mine and I was thinking I'd only need around 1000 grafts.



    Is this a good plan? Live my life stop worrying about my hairline and see where it is 3-4 years and then consider getting a hair transplant if I have no sides from fin/dut and hair loss stops? What age should I really be looking for to get a HT.


    Any advice from individuals who got a HT in their 20's/30's?


    Any advice from doctors?

  4. I just had another surgery with Dr Wong today to add more density. He was able to pull 2583 Grafts.

    Doug could update this thread with 10 months results from previous surgery taken just before today's surgery.


    Why would you deplete your donor area more?


    Have you ever even tried finastiride?


    Without fin, you';re basically never going to be pleased with the density in your hairline

  5. 4 Month Update


    There's a lot to be excited about right now! Growth happening day by day, but it's difficult not to get too anxious.


    For everyone else out there, I think it's a good idea to take pictures every other week. At the very least, you'll be able to notice the differences as you progress and won't get caught up by what you think are "weak spots."




    Holy shit I am super jealous at your results.

  6. How long did you try out nizoral shampoo for? How often did you use it? Have you started any other preventative medications such as rogaine or propecia recently?


    I've been on propecia for 6.5 months.


    Rogaine, about 2.5 months.


    I instailly saw regorwth FROM BOTH fin and rogaine but due to it's massive shedd, I lost most of it.


    I used nizoral for 4 months and used it 3-5 times a week. 1% Nizoral. It dried upo my hair and made it extremely weak and thin.

  7. Any thoughts on Hasson & Wong?




    He's highly regarded on this forum.


    I've been doing research and here are some doctors I've also added to the list:


    -dr. Mohebi, Feriduni, Bisanga, and Keser


    One doctor i would look into further/or avoid is Rahal. I have 3 separate users on this forum that have PM'd me to avoid him and have had botched/messed up procedures. All three have had FUE. I will not list there names because they wanted to remain private and I want to JUST INFORM YOU ABOUT THEM.

  8. Hi there,

    I got your PM. Sorry to hear of your situ.


    Nizoral is harsh stuff and it sounds like its triggered a shed in your hair cycle.


    Firstly I'm confident if you now leave off Nirozal and ride out the cycle your hair will return but it will take 4 months approx to recycle.


    Get on MSM and Biotin and help boosts hairs cycle.


    You will be fine and the less you stress over it the quicker it will return ;-)




    Thank you for your response.


    I've been off of nizoral for 7.5 weeks and I've been ON finastiride for 6 months and 1 week.



    What is MSM? and I am already taking biotin.


    IS there anything I can do to my hair to make this shedd stop? Like shampoo and condition? Specific conditioners?


    So far I've only been washing my hair with water and then shampooing and conditioning once a week. That is all.


    IS there anything else I can do?


    Thank you for giving me hope <3

  9. hopeisthebestthingihave,


    For starters, I'm sorry to hear that you've been continually losing hair. I guess I'm wondering if the hair loss you are experiencing is really as a result of Nizoral. Nizoral 2% in particular can be a bit harsh on the scalp and thus it's recommended that you only use the 2% a couple times a week. The 1% is still a little harsh but in my experience, it's not as bad.


    Nizoral contains the active ingredient ketoconazole, which is supposed to be a mild DHT blocker. If it's effective in helping, you could experience a nominal period of hair shedding. But it sounds like you are experiencing more than that.


    If you feel that Nizoral is causing hair loss, in my opinion, you may want to stop using it. If you aren't using Propecia and/or Rogaine, I do encourage you to consider getting on them. But be sure you research each medication and understand the benefits and potential side effects of both.


    Best wishes,





    Thank you for the companionship and kind words.



    I've been on finastiride for 6-7 months. I inistally saw great results, heck, I even saw regrowth of my hairline at 14-15 weeks. But ever since I over used nizoral and got off of it, I have been shedding 100 hairs like crazy.


    It's freaking me out. My hair has gotten so thin that my scalp is visiaul in almost every direction.


    I have a dermotologist appointment in 1 month but thats too far away. I need to know what to do.



    And I will contact spex

  10. Spex posted on another forum a few years ago that patients must be careful with Nizoral and using it too often.


    Nizoral Shampoo and "Shedding"



    Is there any way I can contact him or others who have overused nizoral or had nizoral greed? I need to know if/when/and how my hair will come back. I need to know if there is anything I can do to further get my hair back that I lost.


    Please help. couldn't sleep last night.

  11. I was on nizoral for 4-5 months. I used it 4-5 times a week (I know I over used it). When I got off of it, hair started to instantly shedd. I was losing 100+ hairs a day. At work, At the gym, At my desk. It was crazy.


    7 weeks later after quitting nizoral and my hair is still shedding from it.



    Is there anything I can do? I seriously need help. I scheduled a visit to my dermatologist but it's in 1 month.


    I'm getting extremely depressed and have had really bad thoughts (suicidal).


    How can i stop this shedd? It looks like I have crown balding and my frontal hair is so thin you can see past my scalp by an inch or so.


    Please help



    And why would you want to wear your hair short after you got a HT??

    Also why aren't you on propecia?? Why did you left your hairloss go from a norwood 3 to a norwood 3 a

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