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Posts posted by techdan

  1. Actually, I'm in the rare group of people that really doesn't give a rats ass about having had the procedure and I'm pretty open about the whole thing. I didn't do it because I care about how other people see me, I did it because I cared about how I saw me. So, post-op, I simply walk around (hatless without concealers, etc...) for all to see and "admire". When people ask about it, I say I had a HT. People are actually genuinely interested in that topic, especially guys (no surprise). They have a LOT of questions, which I'm always happy to answer. I seem to be in the vast minority in this regard, but that's just how I roll.

  2. I hear you on the scar. A lot of people get bent about the scar, and it never really concerned me too much. Maybe I'll eat those words, but we'll see. For now, the shock loss and shedding are the daily grinds. If I was a borderline HT candidate before doing this, I definitely need one now bc I'm friggin BALD in my frontal! tick tock...

  3. Gman, hang in there dude. I'm exactly 9 days behind you (had fut with about 3000 grafts to exactly the same area done on 7/29). The shedding and native hair shock loss have been BRUTAL for me. But we took the plunge and now we just need to roll with it. Keep me posted and I'll do the same... good luck with it

  4. The days definitely drag and I'm tempted to just shave my whole friggin head again (I actually don't care about the scar). I'll keep powering thru it.. for sure in the grand scheme of things, dealing with a string of bad hair days isn't really worth crying over..


    Thanks for the support and insight.. will keep you posted on my journey.

  5. Hey Ernie,

    Thanks for all of your posts through this process. It was this thread that helped me decide to do FUT with Rahal, which I completed on July 29th. I had a very similar situation to yours - he packed 2,854 grafts into a virtually identical area. Our post-op scars looked identical. The attached shots are me 3 weeks in.


    I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind:

    1) I'm fussing a bit about my native frontal hair shock loss (similar to what it seems you went through). At what point do you feel your native hair stopped shedding? I assume all (or most) of your transplanted hair shed?

    2) I noticed you counterpunched the ugly duckling phase with a #3 shave at around 3 months. Nice work. What's the earliest you think you could have done that move? Could you have pressed to a #2 shave? Did you have enough growth to have been able to make that move even earlier, say at 2 months? Did that shave expose the scar in any way?

    3) My back hair growth is slowly hiding the scar as you can tell from the picture. At what point did you feel that you had enough growth in the back to comfortably hide the scar?


    I get that all cases are different and all that, but your help with these questions would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Dan



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