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Posts posted by Betterthanabadhairday

  1. Pkipling- thankyou for your reply, it provided me with a lot of useful information that has helped me better understand my situation! No blood left my scalp, just very sharp thick hairs. I appreciate your advice and hopefully I'll experience happy growing :)

  2. Thankyou for your responses, they have put my mind at ease.

    John Casper- Thankyou for your reply, your response was very informative and I feel that it may just be my hair cycle. I will be seeing my doctor over the weekend to check up on the progress of my hair.

    Mr Gio- I agree, my scabs fell off during the first two weeks and my donor and recipient areas healed up well. I'm not so sure about sun exposure as I did wear a cap for the first few weeks and as I'm a female with very long and quite heavy hair (although not the front of course), I did cover up my area well. It could be a possibility perhaps?

    Ernie- I will be posting a blog with photos and my experience from my very early stages of hair loss to show my overall (hopefully good) progression as a journey, so other women and men can benefit .


    Better than a bad hair day

  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm new to posting this page but not new to the experiences you all have faced! I decided to undergo a FUE procedure and I've followed all the aftercare instructions. It has been 2 months since the procedure and I wash my hair usually now and soak it in a little oil as my scalp has become incredibly dry. Since the op, no grafts have fallen and they have grown, but over the last week I've noticed that 3-4 tiny sharp implanted hairs have fallen out. I'm very very worried that I'm losing grafts, or this normal for them to fall out after 2 months? If someone could please provide some advice/ comments on this, I would really appreciate it!

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