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Posts posted by Param

  1. Hello Friends,


    Inspired by experiences and enriched with knowledge out of this forum, felt apt sharing my eventual plunge into the world of Hair Transplantation - FUE, which I got done with Dr. Tejinder Bhatti.


    I am a 34 yr old Indian male. My hair texture is thick, curly and for a long time never even gave a thought about stuff like Hair Loss, considering none in my immediate family were balding.


    It was 7 years back that the signs started, with receding hairline and crown thinning. Over and above, misfortune struck in form of Alopecia Areata just above the temples on either side looking like patches. Luckily, they stabilized and didnt spread any further. Over course of time, the Crown area thinned even further creating a visible patch.


    Tried various medications like Minoxidyl and others. They just slowed the eventuality.


    Hair Transplant as an option was brewing in my mind for the past 2 years nearly. Owing to commitments, took some time before going for it.


    After going through this forum, Dr. Tejinder Bhatti seemed to be the best Option in India for FUE HT. Had a Mail exchange, where he assessed my case based on photos and gave a rough estimate of grafts needed.


    The Date was fixed in the first week of August, 4th to be precise.


    Arrived at Dr. Bhatti's clinic on 3rd and got the pre-op check done along with the mandatory tests. The Hairline too was discussed with the usual post-op doubts.


    On the day of the surgery, arrived at the clinic by 7.15 am. Was prepped and changed into patient clothing. Dr. Bhatti personally trimmed the hair to a Zero Cut nearly and finalized the hairline marking.


    The actual procedure started at 8.30 am, when local anesthesia was administered at various places in the Donor area, which felt like small pricks.


    Grafts were then extracted by Dr. Bhatti with a motorized punch of 0.75mm. Slight sensations of the extractions were felt, though Dr. Bhatti was kind enough to regularly enquire as to how I was feeling so as to administer more anesthesia if required.


    The entire extraction procedure took around 3 hours followed by slit making by Dr. Bhatti himself again, which took around 30-40 min.


    Lunch was served with a break of 20 min. Once done, I was informed of the number of grafts which were extracted and the composition of the same. Dr. Bhatti extracted 3,301 grafts with room for further extraction later.

    He could get:


    Single Follicles - 905

    Double Follicles - 2081

    Triple Follicles - 315


    He also discussed about the grafts that were to go into the Crown and the hairline.


    Break Up Was:


    Crown ~ 1039 grafts

    Hairline and Mid Scalp ~ 2262 grafts


    The plantation process started which was done by the experienced OT Technicians, who were very skilled and professional, into the slits which were already made by Dr. Bhatti.


    It was a 3 hour process (2.15 Hrs for Hairline/Midscalp and 1.45 hrs for Crown) There were 2 technicians planting simultaneously on either side of the hairline and midscalp. They were helped by 2 others technicians in sorting and handing over the grafts for placement. The Crown area was handled by a single Technician and a help.


    Finally, the procedure was concluded by 16.30 hrs, where I was instructed to sit and rest for some time in an up right position. Instructions were given not to bend or give any jerky movement to the head. I also opted for the PRP treatment during this time, which I was convinced would promote the health of the scalp and aid on growth. It involved extracting blood, synthesizing it, and re-injecting the plasma at various points in the scalp.


    I was then given Medication for the night and instructions as to how to sleep. Saline Spray was given, to be administered every 20 minutes on the planted area. Donor Area was bandaged and was instructed to sleep in sitting position only for the first 3 nights.


    Managed to get through the night unscathed but as expected, there was soreness in the Donor area.


    Reached the clinic again by 7.30 am next morning, where I was given a Light Head Bath to the planted area using a mild Shampoo and Saline. Was also instructed to follow the routines as detailed in a Post-Op Care booklet.

    Was given the Post-Op Kit which included Shampoo, Saline, Aloe Vera for Donor and Planted Area and the medicines.


    I am happy with the outcome till now and had a very nice HT experience at Dr Bhatti"s clinic, thanks to him and his staff.










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