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Posts posted by zhairz

  1. So I finally hit the 6 month mark today and am pretty stoked about my hair. If it's natural, dry and curly it's very difficult to see my scalp at all.


    The attached photos however are with emu oil, which I sleep with in my hair nearly every night. You can also see the difference where my hair is brushed back versus curly.


    I think that I will return to Dra Reyes this summer to lower my hairline a tad more before being done. It's amazing how easy it is to adjust to a new hairline and want more! Overall I have 0 regrets except that I wish I'd gone sooner.



  2. Love the hairline desing, she She makes very good hairlines, very natural.

    Who does the operation? The dr or assistants?

    There are many good cases on your website.


    As I remember a technician performed most of the procedure while the doctor hovered overseeing things. I actually asked the technician how long he'd been performing HT's and he answered 10-15 years (sorry that I don't remember exactly).

  3. Just wanted update this early as my hair is looking better every day now that I have reached a week past the 3 month mark. Under normal lighting indoors I look like I have a full head of thinning hair - never thought I'd be excited to admit to that lol but things are coming together nicely.


    Will update with more photos in 20 days when I hit the 4 month mark, thanks all for comments!

  4. Yes:

    I'm surprised she doesn't show up more often on this forum.

    I had 2,270 grafts/4631 hairs FUT surgery with her early 2015 and have been very pleased and impressed with the results. I'm very open to sharing that I've had a hair transplant and without exception the people that I tell can't believe I've had anything done.

    I highly recommend her.

    Cost is around $4-5K (you'd have to check with them for current pricing). It's a fixed pricing schedule irrespective of number of grafts.


    That's excellent. I actually received a price of $2 per graft which included hotel stay and transport to and from the clinic. I'm also surprised she isn't mentioned here more often but hope my review will encourage more people to visit the beautiful Dominican Republic to work with her and her talented staff.


    I have created a new thread in the appropriate forum here-> for those interested in my long-term results.

  5. What's up guys, I am starting my thread here for all interested in the results of my procedure with Dr Alba Reyes in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.


    You can find the review of my experience with the excellent Dr Reyes and all of her wonderful staff in my other thread in the surgeon reviews forum here.


    This has so far been the slowest 3 months of my life, definitely feels more like 6 months to a year has passed since I left the DR to return to NY. I stopped obsessing over my hair or taking photos daily and accepted that I'll look like a newly balding dude for a while.


    I feel for everyone in the same position now and wish the best to everyone going through this phase!


    I am attaching photos from pre-op day of surgery, 1, 2 and 3 months post op. As I post this thread I am at exactly 3 calendar months post op.


    My current regimen:


    .25 Propecia

    Lots of freaking vitamins

    Lots of freaking water


    3 Months seems to be a turning point for me as it is for most, so my fingers are crossed. I'll be posting my photos outside so you guys can get as much detail as possible. thanks to all for the great reviews and info on this site





  6. 1 month update attached. I am keeping my hair short in an attempt to hide the difference between the front and back of my head - it isn't working :(


    I am very happy with the way my hairline was designed. There are only subtle inequities in the hairline in contrast to some of the more erratic hairlines that were drawn on me locally in NY.


    I have lost 25-30% of the transplanted grafts so far although it's difficult to see in the attached picture.


    Will update this thread monthly for all interested in working with the wonderful Dr Alba Reyes.


  7. Bald in the modern world, or a stunning mane but living in a hut? Which would you choose?


    Indigenous tribes have been studied for decades for their excellent health and lack of disease. They are however the pharmaceutical company's worst nightmare, so you won't see the facts very mainstream. Our chemical-dense, nutrient-depraved foods alone can make your precious hairs fall out.


    I have seen this first hand with the indigenous tribes in Peru, the men all look very virile with full heads of hair due in my belief to adequate sunlight (vitamin D), all natural diets and lack of stress.

  8. Do you have a specific protocol you use? Ie- specific juices/veggies in certain amounts, or do you just wing it? And if you do have a set plan, do you gear it specifically towards things thought to improve hair growth, or do you just do it for health purposes, and the hair was a bonus?



    Would love some insight, if you wouldn't mind. I actually have a juicer, and would like to start using it more for general health improvement. Uber bonus if hairs start a'poppin.


    Sure. I started juicing little over a year ago. Like most people I started due to a medical emergency. I am a researcher for a very large chemical company and my job relies on me to speak Spanish, German, French and Italian. I have researched hair loss in all of these languages.


    I had a collapse of my neurological system due to the stress of my work. No matter how healthy you are stress can still kill you in an instant. I believe this is the reason you will often see overweight or generally unhealthy people with very sedentary lifestyles with very healthy heads of hair - they have little to no stress while professional athletes suffer more regular stress than we could ever imagine. While most European researchers put emphasis on reducing stress and increasing vitamin and nutrient intake, Americans are mostly reliant on drugs to solve all of their problems.


    I believe that low stress, a nutrient rich diet, and healthy blood circulation (specifically blood circulation to the head/hair follicles) are the most effective natural ways of combating hair loss. If you read from or watch videos of the Australian Doctor Robert Lockhart you will see his philosophies on inversion and diet. He claims to have stopped his hair loss at 24 years old. I have not seen any "raw foodist" that has gone completely bald, unless they started later in life when they'd already lost most or all of their hair.


    Dr Alexander Wunsch is a photobiologist from Heidelberg who spoke about the use of infrared light to combat baldness before we had the "laser comb" which essentially is a device to increase blood flow to your scalp. This theory is not new to most women, as they're regularly using things to promote blood flow to the scalp in the interest of growing their hair faster and healthier.


    My personal daily juice regimen is as follows:


    2 cup organic red kale

    1 cup spinach

    1 cup arugula

    1 cup parsley

    1 cup broccoli

    1 cup cilantro

    2" organic ginger root

    1" Turmeric

    1 slice red, green, orange, and yellow pepper

    1/4 organic lemon

    1/2 cup cabbage

    1/8 Habanero pepper (great for circulation but hot)

    1 dash of cayenne pepper

    1 slice watermelon (unlike the video I juice the skin as well as it's been found to be the most nutrient dense portion of a watermelon)


    All of my vegetables are organic and locally grown. My best advice is to come up with a recipe that you personally enjoy, and make it your own. Also I do not measure these daily - I measured them once and "eye ball" that measurement every day based on that recollection.

  9. Healthy, daily juicing is what led me to getting a hair transplant. I had new hairs springing up everywhere but my temples. I also juice a watermelon slice daily.


    Yeah i agree it probably won't stop hairloss. the only thing I can see it improving is blood flow.


    So do you think the author of the OP video is lying about stopping his hair loss through nutrition?

  10. what makes hair susceptible to DHT is your genetic predisposition not hair location.


    That is a common theory which is not supported by science. Hundreds of clinical trials in and outside of the United States have proven otherwise.


    also the overwhelming majority of bald men retain the donor fringe & those hairs, when transplanted remain permanent.


    I think that's wonderful - have you seen any photographic evidence of transplanted hairs remaining permanently intact without the use of DHT inhibitors?

  11. The hair transplant doesn't just magically make all the other hairs DHT resistant and stop them from falling.


    That's not my argument - I am suggesting that the relocated hairs themselves are not DHT-Resistant, they are only alive due to their native location on the scalp, and therefor have an average 5-10 year life span after being removed from a healthier part of the scalp.


    I think it is misleading for doctors to use the term "dht-resistant" or "terminal hairs" when there is no scientific evidence to prove such a thing is possible.

  12. Regardless of a person's sensitivity or individual balding pattern, I am suggesting that if hair follicles are moved from an oxygen and blood dense location to an opposite environment they will die without the use of DHT blockers.


    I also believe this to be the reason many scalp therapies, exercises, and blood circulation supplements have been proven effective.



    Until it's proven otherwise there is no such thing as DHT-resistant hair - it is merely a matter of location and how well oxygenated that area is which keeps the follicles alive throughout a person's life.

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