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Posts posted by Mario2667

  1. Hi,


    no its not as bad as yours.. i think, i did front tempels in Argentina, i am in Brazil now and back home in London only on 23rd so i am out off options. I start taking cepahalexin as well as this is what i was taking first week, now i took a cream here in Brazil called nebacetin and after 2 days things are bit better..


    what do you do with spots, do you sqeze them so that pus go out? did you doc told you why such a big infecton... finally i really hope it gos well for you, here are my pic after 5 weeks...you will see they are small... but his is after 4 days treatments... do you have e mail, i am curoise to see how it all go for you


  2. I would really appreciate advice, I have booked HT for Friday in Argentina, yesterday on my first face to face consultation doctor have gave me new option/info and I am confused should I consider his advice or not.


    Basically I lost hair from side, as on photo, and this was my main target, in between ( front) I have hair which has slightly receded but I am happy with it. Doctor has told me that my front top part hair is 30 folliculas per cm2 and that after he finish with sides, sides part will be 60 per cm2 so it will not look natural, he then suggested to try to increase density on front top by adding almost 30 follicular per cm2 to part where I have existing hair which is fin. Now all of this sound good to me if this can be achieved but I have concerns!


    1. Is putting hair where I already have hair good idea, hair

    2. Should I just do sides and then if really density is so much more from this HT on sides then in between I can do 2nd HT to correct this by adding some to front top part


    My HT is FUE and is scheduled for Friday and I am already in Argentina. PLEASE HELP!


  3. After a long time, I decided to do transplant. I was thinking that it will be easy to find good doctor who use FUE method, however it has proved right nightmare!


    I am currently in Brazil where I was hoping to find good clinic, and yes there are but non of them do FUE.


    I have sent several e mails with photos etc and got ridicules answers, advices that I need 3.500 grafts to price in Thailand of 5$!!!


    So can you please advise to best of your knowledge a good doctor who has price-quality good balance, I am happy to travel however my preference would be: South America, USA, Europe.


    Here are some photos, I am 31y, I will keep you posted with results, pre and post op.


    Many thanks,


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