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Posts posted by mrbistro

  1. Hey Guys, I'm new here but not new to hairloss/transplant. I just had my 2nd FUT 4 weeks ago and although I've gone through this before I don't recall this particular concern I have with my scar...


    Within the past 2 weeks, I've noticed some patchy spots around the donor area and up close they appear to not have any hair follicles which is my main concern. Is this loss permanent or temporary? Could this be considered a type of shock loss from the procedure? The transplant was done by a very reputable doctor and I'm not concerned something was done incorrectly, but I would appreciate some input regarding this matter and others' experiences and input/suggestions.


    Below are a few photos that show just post-op(no apparent loss) and 4 weeks post-op(patchy hair loss around donor site)


    1 week post op:



    4 Weeks Post op:




    Thank you

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