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Posts posted by mercilo

  1. Thx you doctor and all for your answers.


    well i understand perfectly what ur saying doctor and i will follow your opinion.


    I found some video on youtube like this one :


    I can see this guys is having almost the same balding corner as i do and that the clinic could restore them without lowering the hairline.


    May i know how many graph would it takes to correct my corner ?


    Based on what i understand it would be around 500-1000 ?


    ex from the video i posted above :




    Thx you


  2. Hi Mercilo,


    How old are you? This could be a case of normal hairline "maturation" and not a case of true hair loss. To be frank, I think most would caution you against being overly aggressive in the front now -- in fact, most would probably discourage surgery right now. Especially if it is true hair loss and you're not sure what will happen up the road.


    Dear Doctor,


    thanks for your answer. I will take a photo for you and post it later today.


    In the meantime.


    Pls let me show you what i have been prescribed by a doctor in France.




    do you think this is a reasonnable approach to correcting my hairline ?




  3. Hello All,


    I want to restore my hairline which i find very ugly ....


    Since 2006 it has been receding ...


    Find enclosed the photo of before (2006) and now (2016)









    I want to restore my hairline, my question is do you think the hairline could be a made a little bit lower as it was in 2006 ?


    Some doctors i contacted told me the hairline can be perfectly restored


    Thx for your answer.



  4. Hello All,


    I am 30 years old and new on your forum.


    I have a receding hairline and would like to have it fixed.


    After some research i found out GetFue, Dr. Ayhan Colak perform all the operation there and so far the feedback is pretty good.


    Has anyone performed a Hair Transplant with FUE there ?


    I asked them few question by email and the answer were pretty good about density and else.


    Thanks you for your opinion

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