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Posts posted by fimax

  1. ...

    Your clinic's operating room "looks more like a dirty slaughter house" and yet here you are with Minoxidil and an FUE surgery in hand. What a gamble.



    Everything looked fine before that point, nice reception, consultation office great and and. Just the day of the surgery, after paying, getting shaved, all set, I got the shock entering. They did two patients in the same room the same time.


    Lessont learnt: always demand to see the operating room...

  2. Just had a FUE four weeks ago in China where I am currently working. Despite that the room of the operation looks more like dirty slaughter house, everything did go well. I did not suffer from scab, and all the hair have grown out. I am just waiting the hair to shed, only a few have left the scalp until now.


    The clinic provides free Minoxidil and recommends the patients to use it. I am not that fancy of that idea.. Why? I have never use it before, if I use it now for one year this affects also the non-transplanted hairs. So in one year, by the revisit and final evaluation of the result, the final result will be combination of the FUE AND the Minoxidil. The patient getting cheated thinking the result he sees is from the FUE..

    Am I right about this or wrong?


    Never used creams or nutrition supplement, and do not want to start with it. I have no panic to get it out quicker. Don’t want to cream, massage and stare at my scalp every morning and evening. Just want to relax and when the hair comes it comes…


    The question if is the Minoxidil could affect the final result or not. Does is affect the survival rate of the hairs?



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