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Posts posted by whathaveidone

  1. I think the results will be OK, but a top up will be needed if you are looking for a dense look.   


    You will definitely see an improvement over how it is now and not quite as bad as others are making out.  


    All in all, just ride it out, decided how it looks in 6 to 12 months and make a decision from there on how you want yo proceed.

  2. That sounds a good idea with the pre-emptive cutting of the donor area shorter. But in 2 weeks the donor area should have healed a good bit and be covered in hair again. Just make sure the donor is more spread out in comparison to how mine was and you won't need to wear a hat anyway :)

  3. Before the operation I grew my hair on top around the area longer to about 3 or 4cm long and when it came to operation they clipped the hair back exposing the area at the front to be transplanted into.

    After the first wash of the hair after treatment I just positioned the hair over the transplanted area which effectively masked it. No-one knew.

    After a couple weeks I wore a really loose fitting hat as it was still winter and this hid my donor block as it were as that area was still short.

    I then used the masking creme (like a brown paint almost) on the donor to blend it in and make it unnoticeable.

  4. Result of HT was good.  Happy with results for what I needed. A small bit didn't really take but I don't think it's an issue my hair looks totally natural on the problem area.

    In hindsight I panicked with regard donor area. Within 3 months it was almost unnoticeable if a little tender if pressed. Now totally fine.


    I used a brown masking creme applied with a small sponge to blend in the area with my hair when it was still blocky.


    Procedure performed by DHI in UK.

  5. Getting back to this now it is very much better. If I have it even shaved down to the bone with an open razor you can barely see it at all. You would only know it's there if someone had told you and knew what you were looking for.

    Sorry to necro but wanted to clear it up.

  6. Thanks very much for that, I hope it is shock loss and will come back with time because as you said the reason i chose FUE was to keep the hair short which I was recommended would be fine.


    I ordered Couvre yesterday and looking forward to its arrival. Its too hot to be wearing hats all day to hide it.


    I just wish the donor was spread out more to help conceal what is going on.

  7. Thank you for the response.


    The pics dont do it justice, in the harsh light of day its worse.


    I had researched for a while and even backed out once, I knew there would be visible hair thinning but was led to believe it would be blended in and not so blockish as it now is. I had hoped the area would be spread out and thinning would be mitigated across a fuller area.

    I dont want to mention names just now as it is early doors.


    I was wondering if MSP could work on that length of hair just to conceal it as that is generally the length I keep it at.


    I have read some stories that it could help but obviously it would look best shaven to the bone. Wanted to see if anybody had MSP on slightly longer hair style.

  8. Just recently had FUE to cover a minor problem I seen, tbh didnt really need done, I dont even know how many grafts were done.

    I usually keep the sides short at a 1,2 or 3 grade, and was told the donor scars would blend in well with my normal hair style. The surgeon when doing the operation told me he took out more than was prob needed to make sure the area was covered and I thought fine its ok.

    Now I know this sint long after the procedure, its over 2 weeks but I have an entirely noticeable rectangle on the back of my head, its shocking. I have created an even worse problem than I had before.

    What can I do, could MSP work even with hair at a 2 grade to help fill this in? Im at wits end.

    Pics are 3 days after, can anyone hazard a guess at number of grafts taken? 2nd pic is 15 days.



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