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Posts posted by manfue

  1. Hey guys,


    So yesterday, at two weeks post-fue, I did my first exercise. It was pretty intense, but my doc says it's fine at 10 days post-op (so I waited 14 days rather than 10 to be extra cautious). My recipient was tingling like crazy, but stopped after my heart rate calmed down. No visible sign of an problem in the recipient (no blood or anything).


    Is this is a sign of some problem? I've read many threads on this forum, and to be honest I get a confusing picture. Some talk of blood flow to the head. If this increases after exercise, is this what makes the tingling, and is the singling a sign the grafts are in trouble? I also experienced a similar tingling after sex, which the clinic told me to avoid just for the first night....so there does appear to be a correlation between heart racing (exercise/sex) and recipient tingling. Any thoughts? My concern is I'm causing some damage. But if it's normal then I'll carry on....


    Thanks guys

  2. Dude..long term damage of what? Chlamydia? I hope that isn't what you are saying. You need to get that squared away asap. I have no reason to believe it would effect your transplant at all.

    Take care of it before you spread it. Antibiotics are used on HT patients all of the time.



    Thanks man. The only reason I thought it may have been problematic is due to an earlier thread that I found on this forum where a doctor seems to suggest that antibiotics could have an effect on growth:



  3. Agree with others, Doxycycline is not just associated with Chlamydia. But you do need to email the clinic to let them know that you are going to be using it so they have a record of this and are happy for you to do so.


    It should have no adverse effect with your results but check with your clinic as it is so soon after surgery.



    Thanks to everyone for replying.


    Do you think there's a problem taking it so soon after? I can hold of as I haven't got any symptoms and long term damage doesn't kick in for over a year (according to what I've just read online).


    I really would rather not share it with my doctor.

  4. Hey guys,


    So I had FUE just last week, Today I got a dreaded call from an STD result saying I had chlamydia.


    She said I need a course of doxycycline. I really don't feel comfortable sharing this info with my hair transplant doc. He has good results, which is why I chose him, but he isn't very approachable. Besides, after a little googling, doxycycline is used pretty exclusively for chlamydia, so there is no way I could just pretend it's for something else.


    Is it ok to use this? Will it have any effect on my hair transplant?


    thanks guys

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