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Posts posted by JesseCuster

  1. Hey Guys,


    I recently underwent a FUE . I am 6 days Post Op and I feel a burning and pinching sensation in my scalp donor area. Its nothing that I can not bear but on a scale of 1 to 10 , I would rate this pain as 6-7. Is this normal ? I am alittle concerned because its causing me a great discomfort and I have to get back to work in few days from now. With this pain its hard to concentrate.


    Its worth noting that beard donor area has been absolutely fine with no pain at all.


    I have sent an email to my doctor regarding this and awaiting a reply from him. Meanwhile I thought I would ask experienced people here in the forum to figure out if this is something I should be worrying about ?


    I realize this is a very old post, but just wondering how long it took to pass in the end?

    I'm on my seventh day after an FUE transplant (2,000 follicles) and about 2 days ago the intense pain started. It's barely there during the day but at night the extremity of the sensation is excruciating. So odd that it's such a difference at night.


    Anyway, surgeon said it's not common (maybe 1 in 200 patients) but it happens, he's had about 3 cases over the years. Told me it can last up to 2 weeks, but I'm really hoping it's more like 2 as I'm going on holidays next Monday. He prescribed Tradol (Tramadol in the US I think) and some cream whuch I have yet tp pick up, but I've been using alo vera gel in the meantime. It's bareble with the painkiollers but I really don't want to have to keep taking them for too long as they're quite strong.


    If anyone has any advice it'd be greatly appreciated.



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