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Posts posted by rstty

  1. 1 hour ago, hairlossPA said:

    can you elaborate on this? “I could no longer do FUT because of excessive scarring”

    Well I think it is going to depend on weather you have enough donor hair under the scars. Fortunately for me I did have some more but not much. He was able to do 400 grafts total between the two sessions but I can no longer do any more. I think you are going to have to see him in order to know for sure. I will say this. If I had the money beforehand I would have never done FUT. FUE is so much easier (though more expensive) Its less painfull and doesn't leave any bald spots or big scars from the sutures. Good luck!

  2. 1 hour ago, BD99 said:

    Thanks for the review, and glad to hear Dr. Bloxham is skillful at FUE as well. I guess your two smaller procedures would be considered "lunchtime FUE" that he made a video about. How long did each procedure take? Have also found the 7 train to the n20g bus has gotten me to his office in about 1 hr 15 min from the Grand Central MTA stop. Probably not worth the risk on a surgery day (and definitely not for going home), but for consultations and follow-ups and giving yourself plenty of time, it's a great way to save the ~$150 round trip on an Uber.

    The first one was about 4 hours. The second about 3 hours. Both started at around 11 a.m and I was out by 3-4 p.m 

  3. Over the years I have had about 6,000 Grafts done over most of my head from Dr. True in NYC. I was mostly satisfied with the results but 2 years ago I had decided I wanted a little touch up in the front corner since it was the only area that I feel he didn't come out well and I felt I had enough donor hair to do the work. After doing extensive research and hearing all the great reviews I decided to go to Dr. Bloxham of Feller Bloxham who was closer to me and seemed to have more experience with FUE since I could no longer do FUT because of excessive scarring. Dr True was not comfortable and experienced enough to do it. I did one touch up of about 250 grafts and then came back a year later for another 150. And will tell you the results were excellent and natural and I still have a fair enough amount of hair in my donor area so that it looks full. Though both surgeons are very good I would put Dr. Bloxham a star above Dr. true for two reasons. Number one he is more experienced and confident with FUE procedure and secondly his bedside manner is by far much better. He takes the time to make sure you are comfortable and feeling no pain and is just more personable and friendly. As I said the results were excellent so if your planning on trying this I highly recommend him. BTW if you are coming in from NYC his office is about a 7 minute Uber ride from The Great neck LIRR train station and there is ample parking at the building if driving.

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  4. 7 hours ago, anzel2002 said:

    That is disappointing to hear, as so far my experience  with T and D has been really good, although not much to judge yet as it has only been a few weeks since the surgery,

    so can't judge the results of the HT or scar yet

    but will follow this thread to hear more of both sides of the situation 

    although you did say you got really good results which is good and promising to hear, btw, did you get 6000 grafts or 6k hairs, and if 6k grafts, was it done all in the same day?

    you must have really good donor site, which mine was only fair, so could not get that much on the first HT



    Oh BTW. It was 6000 grafts. But being that some of the grafts were doubles and triples the number of hair follicles exceeds that number

  5. 7 hours ago, anzel2002 said:

    That is disappointing to hear, as so far my experience  with T and D has been really good, although not much to judge yet as it has only been a few weeks since the surgery,

    so can't judge the results of the HT or scar yet

    but will follow this thread to hear more of both sides of the situation 

    although you did say you got really good results which is good and promising to hear, btw, did you get 6000 grafts or 6k hairs, and if 6k grafts, was it done all in the same day?

    you must have really good donor site, which mine was only fair, so could not get that much on the first HT



    Anzel.You will have very good results. Do not worry. I am very happy with mostly everything except for the fact that they did not offer to alleviate the scar. The rest of the scarring is fine. Its just that one section. most likely you will not have that problem. Even if you do it can be fixed. I am just saying that from my experience Dr. True wont be the one to fix it. Unless he see's that he can get more cash from you. Thats just an opinion. 

  6. I have had roughly 6000 strip procedure Grafts done by Dr. True of True and Dorin medical. The results have been very good. But as you can see one of the scar area is very large in one place. After visiting with another prominant hair replacement surgeon I was told this is due to a poor knotting teqnique and that I could absolutely add some grafts to the area via a FUE procedure and also some micropigmantation tattooing..when I asked Dr.true if he would do something about it because I felt he was obligated to fix it he said he couldnt and that I should do scalp tatooing at one of his partners who does the work. A few months later I sent these photos to both Dr. True and Dorin and explained that after spending over 30 thousand dollars in there office I felt they should atleast step up to the plate and fix this one section. I recieved no reply. In my opinion they should have and could have easily added 50 fue grafts and gotten me a discount at their tatooing partners atleast to fix the area. Ok. It doesnt mean you shouldnt go to them.They do great work and have talented technicians.It is just a warning that if anything negative does arrise it seems as if they will not fix it. Unless of coarse you will pay for the mistake out of your pocket. It seems once they have gotten all they can get from you thats it. Your out. You signed papers that says they are not responsable for basically anything that goes wrong and they are not obligated to do anything for you. Honestly. they are probabaly all like that. Regardless ,I did go to a good surgeon to add some grafts to other areas and got the micro tattoing to help with the scar. It is what it is. good luck



  7. I am writing this review in hopes to help anyone who is thinking about having hair transplants and are researching doctors of which Dr. True is one you are considering. I am 54 and started losing my hair at age 21. looking back on it it wasn't really that bad but being that I had issues with my self esteem in general and my young age I was devastated. I started wearing toupee's around 26 which back then were literally like wearing shag carpets.I wore them for about 24 years. Never really being happy.Though they started looking better towards the last 5 years of wearing I just always felt uncomfortable feeling it on my head and felt it limited my activities and confidence. Since I wasn't on permanently I found myself wearing baseball hats more the the toupee. I just couldn't deal with them anymore.I finally decided to maybe just get a little hair transplanted in the front of my head and see how it looked. I visited 3 Doctors and based on price,reviews and experience I decided On Dr. True. If you do your research Im sure you will feel somewhat the same. Ok results. I only had 400 grafts done on my first treatment. I didnt expect to really even like it that much but after they grew in I was excited because I had hair in the front and it looked really natural. So 5000 grafts later my confidence is better then its been in years. like I said earlier I do have some self esteem issues and I am very critical of my looks especially my hair. It looks natural. In my opinion after researching hair transplantation the results can vary on the amount of hair loss you have, the amount of donor hair you have and of coarse the funds you have to replace it. Lets face it, it aint cheap. Also what your expectations are. I was lucky to have a fair amount of donor hair to spread throughout the top of my head. The results are not a thick full head of hair but at 54 it is enough to make me feel and look good enough. If you are looking for a good surgeon then I suggest visiting his office. The staff are all professionals and courteous. The most important thing to remember is to be patient. I learned the hard way because I expected immediate results which at first stressed me out. Looking back I would do it all over again. Good luck.

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