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Posts posted by Messer

  1. Mate, I've been paranoid about being 'caught' with concealer for over ten years now - I'm over the paranoia. You can tell when someone has noticed something 'off' about your appearance and I'm convinced this will be even better than my current solution.


    Ill post pics when I get it - it'll be some time yet!

  2. From what I've read I can shave my head/crop it short and go about my business! Perhaps I'll have to shave it more often, but thats the least of my worries!


    Concealers are a temporary solution yes, and so are hair systems but they're the right one for me. I'm not willing to take drugs that have limited effectiveness and I don't think surgery is right for me either. I'm quite willing to wear a hair piece for another 30+ years if it makes me happy (or until a non-surgical, permanent cure breaks through).


    The amount I spend on concealers isn't unsubstantial, so a hair system really makes sense.

  3. Hello all!


    I want to post here because I've found forums so incredibly helpful and especially posts from Grincher.


    I understand I may get shot down for being a shill of the company I went with - I've noticed anyone who appears out of nowhere with a good review seems to be treated with suspicion but I think/hope people lurking or looking for answers may benefit from my experience.


    I just ordered a system with ukhairsystems (went off today) and I'm eagerly awaiting the day I can start my new life.


    My tressless journey started when I was 16 and my friendly hair stylist pointed out that I was balding. After years of being told by mum that I just have a 'triple crown' or something I realised I really was losing my hair, and felt hopeless. I hadn't had a proper girlfriend, hadn't been to uni and had *just* lost a huge amount of weight and was starting to get noticed by girls. My dad isn't bald, but aside from him the men on both sides were, so I knew it wasn't diet - I even went to the DR to ask if I it was a hormonal thing.


    Hair fell out slowly but surely, I swept my hair back to hide the thinning and that worked for a bit. A couple of years later I discovered Toppik (I think I saw it on telly?) and that completely changed my life. I had, and still have, hair all over and am losing in a diffuse pattern so it not only concealed my balding, but actually made my hair look better than it ever looked before. Over time I got better and better with it and as my hair continued to thin I disovered Couvre too and used them together. I've been in three long term (3 ish years) relationships where I have been using concealers and not one of them, up to now (over ten years of using concealers) ever noticed. No one has, not even my own family.


    I know people will say 'they noticed, and didn't say' but they really, truly haven't. The litmus test has been my last two relationships, where I 'came out' years in - both partners were genuinely shocked. My best friends are hypercritical of appearance, and if they suspected I know they would have ripped me a new one - it made it challenging at festivals and holidays but its all worked out. I have what appears to be a full head of hair, so I suspect the hair system will not be a shock - just a better, more healthy looking version of what i have now.


    As evangelical as I am about concealers, I'm now sick to death of them. They're messy and take a lot of pleasure out of my day. The more I thin, the less there is for them to stick to and I know they are not a long term solution.


    I've ordered my first piece - I had a really good long email converation with Richard who listened, looked over pictures of my hair and created a solution that was right for me and my hairstyle with ultra thin skin at the front and swiss lace for the rest. He's going to hook me up with a stylist when it arrives and all in all I'm optimistic. I am not a celeb, but I do have a public side to my job so a convincing look was tantamount.


    Grincher, although we have never spoken I've scanned your posts both here and other sites and your advice was so helpful. Thank you.


    I'll let you all know how it looks in about 8 weeks!

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