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Posts posted by hamishb

  1. The crown looks as if there is no significant difference during the past years. The differences in hair length may exaggerate the appearance of weakness in the crown.


    Thanks. If you don't mind me asking, did you also take a look at my pictures in post #1 and post #13? If no, are these photos of my crown ok in your opinion?



  2. Are you using a flash for your photos? If so, that may be the problem. Based on the photos you've shared it does look like you're experiencing early stages of thinning. A shampoo with Ketoconazole may be in order as it not only helps with dermatitis but it can also help with hair loss. Of course, finasteride is the gold standard but it is available only with prescription and you need to speak to your doctor about it's use first.


    If you start now you will potentially save yourself a lot of heart ache as it is precisely patients like yourself that see the greatest overall benefits (usually) from using medication.


    Thank you for your reply. I think some of the photos do have flash, but even if they don't, I've found that the rear iPhone camera 'saturates' the photo to make it look worse. If I take the picture with my front facing camera, I think my crown looks ok, but I may be wrong. (Front-facing camera picture attached below)


    In regards to the shampoo is that Nizoral? I have been prescribed nizoral for over 4 years now and it's really bad for my hair. It doesn't get rid of my scalp eczema and it makes my overall hair and scalp extremely dry. I currently use Dermax - Dermax Therapeutic Shampoo - Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) - (eMC) - although I am looking for a more gentle shampoo as I feel that dermax may also be too strong.


    Here is the picture of my scalp using the front camera. This is my bed hair and unwashed for about a day. The other picture (in the green and blue stripy top), is a picture of my crown area from 5 years ago. Do you think there is a difference?



  3. I would recommend starting Fin. Not starting Fin earlier is my biggest regret. My hair loss looked very similar to yours at 24, starting at about that same area of the crown, by 26-27 it had expanded to about a baseball sized bald spot.


    Do you think I'm balding because of the "hole" in my crown? The thing is, when I hold up a mirror there I have loads of hairs in that hole, however when I take a picture, the hole looks big for some reason, and doesn't appear to have hairs sprouting out of it.

  4. In my opinion you look like you are in the early stages of miniaturising in the crown although it would be clearer if you took some pictures in better light and at a longer distance.


    I would consider looking at Finasteride before it progresses further. Male pattern baldness is generally progressive and if you catch it early enough, you can give yourself a better chance of stabilising the future loss. Finasteride works better in the crown and midscalp region. Make sure you read up about the drug indepth before you consider anything.


    Hi. I've attached some more pictures which are hopefully clearer. Please let me know what you all think.






  5. Your hair looks fantastic to me.


    Its good you are onto it now - if you look after it I think you should be fine for decades & possibly for life.


    I would recommend a tar based shampoo on a regular basis (I actually use Ionil T shampoo everyday), Fin & Rogaine Foam. If you are reluctant to use Fin, avoid it until you see any further evidence of thinning & then consider again then.


    Good luck & enjoy a great crop.


    Hi. Thanks for your reply.


    In terms of recommending Fin, does that mean you think my crown is balding?


    It's funny you mention Tar based shampoo as I was prescribed it some time ago for my scalp dermatitis. Do you recommend I start using it? How many times a week? And what shampoo should I use as my 'daily driver'?


    I will hold out on Fin for now and will take regular pictures and post back after some time, to see what everyone here thinks.

  6. I agree with Spanker that the last photo looks like you may be losing. I would stick with the lighting in your bathroom for future photos to monitor it.


    Is there any way you could schedule an appointment with a specialist who could test the miniaturization levels of your hair? This would be the most concrete way to find out exactly what's going on.


    Also - I've suffered from dandruff and dry/flaky scalp for years, and I've noticed that when my scalp is "broken out/acting up", the overall quality/density of my hair suffers and I have a lot more hair fall. I tend to think of it like a garden - the better topsoil you have, the better the plants will grow. If the topsoil is dry, the plants will suffer.I wonder if this is something you could also address with a specialist to see if this would apply to your situation as well.


    Yes I will keep consistent photos from now on.


    I live in the UK and am yet to find a clinic that will check my hair for miniaturisation. When I call up clinics and mention the phrase "minitrusation study/analysis/test", they are perplexed. It's like they have never heard of the word before?


    Do you know anywhere in the UK or even Europe I could get analysed for miniaturisation?


    Yes I'm going through a scalp eczema phase right now. Hair is very greasy, got dandruff and am shedding the disgusting yellow flakes. Scalp is also itchy.


    Due to this, I wash my hair daily, and have bought one of those plug-hole hair stoppers. I count around 30/40 hairs after every daily hair wash, is this ok?

  7. The last one looks like you may be losing. Also, is your hair pigment different in your crown? Is it lighter?


    Nope, the crown hair is exactly the same colour as the rest of my hair. I only have a few brown hairs on my beard, but the rest of the hair on my head are jet black.

  8. Only you would know if you're losing hair in the crown. Looks good to me.


    I started Rogaine. At around 25-26 yrs old. And it's not that you become addicted... It's just Rogaine helps stop the hair loss (mostly in crown area) so... If you do Rogaine for let's say 5 years and you stop.... Whatever hairs you were supposed to lose naturally without using Rogaine, will fall off when you stop using Rogaine.


    That's why it's a lifelong commitment.


    I stopped Rogaine at like 37 yrs old, after using it for like ten years... And I lost a lot of the hair in my crown hair pretty quick after that.


    I'm going to take regular pictures of my crown area every couple of weeks/months and then compare.


    Thanks for the advise on rogaine. I think for now i'll stay off it unless God Forbid my hair gets worse or something.


    Does anyone else have any opinions?

  9. looks great.


    rogaine/monoxidil is best used for the crown area to hold on to the hairs you have.....


    you might want to start that if you are worried. but just know... it really does work, but once you start, its a lifetime commitment.


    Thanks for the reply, Etownone.


    Do you suggest I start using rogaine? Do you think I'm losing my hair from the crown area?


    Will my hair become 'addicted' to rogaine in order to grow?

  10. Hi all


    New poster here from the UK. I'm a 24 year old male. I've attempted to attach a few pictures of my crown area in this post.


    My hairline is fine and I also suffer from Seberroichiec dermatitis, so I use some quite potent steroids etc in my hair.


    I have been told by my GP that my hair is fine, but tbh I don't feel they are properly trained in hairless, as they only looked at my scalp for about a minute, so I googled around and found this forum.


    The pictures were taken today. The first 3 were taken with natural light behind me, and the last one directly under a bathroom ceiling light. If you need clearer ones I can try and take some, but this may be the clearest my phone camera can get.


    Thanks all





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