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Posts posted by scoobydoo

  1. I would say the biggest contributor to these great results may be the PRP (which I failed to mention was part of the mix and didn’t realize as a possible contributing factor to great results) While the transplant itself salvaged some of the hairline I found some regression a year or so later. Am getting another PRP in April to test that theory out. Which itself may be cheaper in the near term than the actual transplant but then I assume will require annual upkeep. PRP is usually positioned as a add on that helps promote the final results but I believe it may be a major component to the final results.

  2. Hi

    First time caller, long time reader. :)


    Just posting this to assist others in their search and to promote Dr Wesley, who I had a phenomenal experience with.


    I don't know what Norwood scale I was but the pictures can speak for themselves.


    Summary: I'm a 35+ year old male of Indian decent with genetic hairloss. I went with Dr Carlos Wesley in NY for 1 FUE of 1300 grafts (some from my beard) and 8 months later I'm already seeing good results.


    Ages ago, I felt my hair was thinning and I did do a small procedure with Dr Cole of Atlanta. Flew out there and did the whole FUE bit. I was pretty much in and out. Great clinic and professionalism, but the one thing I hadn't considered was the follow-up and post-assessment. So can't really guarantee what sort of results I got back then, but I did use a good amount of original donor hair.


    Time goes by and my hairloss was exacerbating. I decided to research for a doctor who was local, reputable and that I felt comfortable with. The end result of that search was Dr Wesley. Great reviews, local and also a pioneer with scarless surgery.


    Long story short, I went in and was impressed by the professionalism, the doctor's good nature and the vibe of the whole office. Dr Carlos Wesley is very personable and took the time to carefully explain my current hair status and what his best suggestions would be to approach this. He took into t consideration the previous surgery and the scarcity of my donor hair and provided some options. Also as a tech fanatic, I also appreciated his use of the iPhone for close up magnification of my hair follicles. I went in expecting that scarless was the way to go, but Dr Wesley gave me some good options and we went with FUE (a small beard extraction and then later extended from the back of my head)


    Surgery occurred August of 2015 and itself was smooth. I fell asleep during most of it and I took a week off from work. Any scabs fell off in about that time and I went back to my day to day routine.


    6 months in, I wasn't sure the surgery was working, but around month 8, I was definitely seeing results. At month 8, I went in for the follow-up (although Dr Wesley recommended I should come in at the 9 month mark to see best results), and we reviewed the results. Healing overall from the donor area was great and any impression from the original surgery was not noticeable. I can run my fingers through my hair without much concern for any thinness coming through. Dr Wesley himself was impressed with the results and the healing overall at the 8 month mark.


    He indicated I could potentially see more results into month 13. So I'm happy at month 8 and will potentially be ecstatic at month 13. Overall experience with Dr Wesley and his staff was great. They have amazing positive energy and the results speak to Dr Wesley's skill/technique. Wish I could find more reasons to see him on a regular basis.


    My recommendation is to go with a clinic that makes you feel most comfortable and I would also push for ease of being able to do follow-ups and initial in -person consultations. This procedure does create results and it's just as much the skill/artistry of the doctor that will give you what you want.








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