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Posts posted by Intoodeep2001

  1. Hello,


    I had my first FUT about 5 months ago. As summer approaches, it's become really hot where I live. Unfortunately, I don't have air conditioning where I live or where I work. I don't do a physically demanding job, but I'm on my feet all day moving around. I find that throughout most of the day I sweat and there is always of a bit of perspiration on my forehead. I was just wondering if sweating throughout the day could affect the results of the transplant? I usually shower in the morning and before I go to bed.




    Since when does sweating affect the hair transplant?

  2. Wait is all about you can do. I had a poor result with dr Feriduni. I'm 12 months out but truthfully all you can do is wait. A better pre and post opp pic would be helpful to let us better see where you were at and where you are at now. Email the doc. Send good quality pics. Not camera phone pics under poor lighting. Document you progress and go from there.


    Can't believe you had a poor result with ferundi, any pics? If this thread wasn't so serious it would be funny! The Turkish hair transplant market should be banned until it's properly regulated!

  3. Hi am just over two months out from a hair transplant and all is as is to be expected so far startijnto see some growth already however I have a question and I'm looking for some advice.

    The temple areas that where done seem to be misaligned and I'm wondering if there is any ways to fix it! Is removal without scaring a possibility are another transplant for an alignment

    Laser therapy to remove? Does it leave marks?


    It may be too soon to judge however I will post pictures!


    Please help it gets me down sometimes to think I may have ruined my face!


  4. Hi really appreciated reading this thread, it's nice to know your not alone! I'm 2 months post op with a lot of redness that makes a horseshoe shape around my face, I'm still unsure whether I have made the biggest mistake of my life 3300 grafts only time will tell.

    Hopefully I can repair it if it looks funny or unnatural however if I knew more about the post op phase I would probably not have gone through with the procedure, I have withdrawn socially and going to work makes me nervous!,


    How is the original poster now? It would be nice to hear some light at the end of the tunnel!

  5. Thanks gargle land I use some fake tan/ concealer and it takes the look off me but with sporadic growth not at the same density as the recipient hair it looks funny! Any idea how long the redness will last or is it just a matter of the new hair growing over and covering it? I wish the clinics would specify about the redness post op!

  6. Hi I had a hair transplant two months ago and I still have a lot of redness in the recipient area I have used aloe Vera however it aggravated my skin then I switched to witch hazel which seemed to be working however I started using rogaine on the recipient area two days ago and the redness came back like week one! Obviously I won't be doing that again but has anyone any advice or tips on bringing down the redness. The last two months have been the longest of my life! I used fake tan to take the look off me. Helllppppp!

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