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Posts posted by ICUman

  1. Based on photos, it's very difficult to know for sure if your donor is diffused, or if it is indeed an issue of lighting. Only a microscopic exam will confirm if your donor shows miniaturization and diffusion from DHT. .


    Thank you, gillenator.


    When I go to a hair transplant surgeon, all I need to do is request a microscopic exam of my donor area and that will tell me what I have to work with?

  2. With respect to the photo in question I believe it's #4, I believe there's a lighting issue here, I believe that there is a light reflecting off of the back occipital region which is making it appear diffuse, the area in question is prime real estate in terms of donor safety for most even Norwood 7. Additionally, the lateral humps don't appear miniaturized as well which they would if headed to Norwood 7. I will venture to say however that OP is headed for Norwood 6 probably by age 30. Personally I would wait a few years to see how you progress, if you can maintain this hair by 30 you'll be in good shape and a prime candidate. What you don't want is to play catch up with surgery, you want your result to make a significant improvement and stay that way for the coming years.


    I am still new to understanding some of the jargon and terms associated here. Are you saying it appears that I do have a good donor area? I hope that's the case.


    More impatient than I probably ought to be, but 6 years is a long time to wait around and see how things progress, no? I feel like I'm in a state of urgency, as though I need to act quickly before this gets worse. Take some preventative measures, whatever they may be. Am I mistaken?


    I realize mistakes come from rushing into things, though.

  3. Thanks all for responding.


    I keep my sides and back of hair at a #1 so it's pretty short and the lights in that room were bright. I think that is what causes it to appear that way.


    As for shaving my scalp, that's not an option. My scalp has a few misshapen lines that look quite odd with short buzzed hair and I think it would be even worse than how my hair is right now. I got screwed in the hair and scalp genetics category.


    Those photos were taken at a hair transplant doctors office. He quoted me 1000-1200 grafts to be moved to the front, and leave the crown untouched for now. I decided against it. I will wait another year or so and go with a doctor with a better reputation.


    If you were all me…would you risk getting a HT? What should I do to keep my hair from progressing from bad to worse? I feel a little hopeless here.

  4. Hi I am a new member here


    Hoping to get some advice. Can anyone tell me what type of Norwood I am?

    I have been taking finasteride 1mg/day now for 13 months. I tried Rogaine in the past but no longer use it.


    Am I a candidate for a hair transplant? Based off the photos, is FUE or FUT a better option for me? I feel like I have a decent donor area to pull from… I am age 24.


    What should my next steps be if I want to reduce my hair loss? My prescribing surgeon has told me that Finasteride has halted my loss based off my 6 and 12 month follow up with him…but I've yet to see any regrowth, I don't know how long it takes, or if I will even see any, which leads me to consider a HT. There are some really inspirational stories on this forum and I hope to eventually be one myself.











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    Bill, sorry I know this thread is old, but I am a new member and joined so that I could send a PM to a few members. How many posts must I have before I am deemed not to be a spammer? Or please tell me what I must do.



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