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Posts posted by Je19862

  1. Hello everyone,


    In January of 2016 I had a Neograft FUE hairtransplant at Tampa Hair MD from Dr Slusher. A week after the procedure the scabs all came off naturally and the hair that was transplanted all fell out soon after. The transplant was to fix a receding hairline that occured after a bad vehicular accident I was in. The doctors gave me pain meds and it made my hair fall out. I tried to use rogaine and it didn't do anything for me, if anything it made my hair look oily and gross and the hair to fall out more. I read online apple cider vinegar on your skin and hair once a week was the best way to keep your hair and skin clean and I've done that ever since instead of using shampoo. I use coconut oil at night lightly on scalp to keep the scalp moisturized and it seems to help greatly. 10 minutes a day I'm using a laser comb, I feel like this cycle has eliminated dandruff completely.


    I no longer use any meds or rogain.. Nor will I again, they feel gross.


    I feel like two months post operation that my hair looks way worse than it did before the operation in the hairline, I have no thinning on the vertex crown yet thankfully.


    Posted pictures are the day I got neograft (shows me with full hair day after operation) and the one without hair is my 2 months AFTER neograft. Hoping to see results and don't know what to expect. Wearing a hat alot.


    One thing the doctors lied about was how you look after operation. No way can you return to work confidently in first week. Numbness on head seems to be going away.

  2. Danny,


    I tried to send you a private message but for whatever reason I couldn't figure it out. I recently in Jan of 2016 got a neograft transplant to fix receding hairline. I'm about 7 weeks in, all hair transplanted has fallen out and I'm just awaiting growth. I use apple cider vinegar maybe once a week to wash hair instead of shampoos with chemicals and it seems to keep everything clean and promote good cell growth. I'm feeling really unenthusiastic about the gains of a hair transplant and saw you had FUE and the results looked pretty good to me. Did you too have neograft? What should I expect? Everything you post was pretty spot on in your old posts how I've been feeling since the treatment. I TOTALLY AGREE BTW ABOUT THE AFTER WORK RETURN! Anyone that says you can confidently go back in a week is crazy. At almost two months the donor area still gets red when i workout and i feel like i cant shave my head because of the small holes. When do people really see results for this stuff and is there anything from your transplant jounrey you could give me for advise?? Thanks brother..



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