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Posts posted by anders31

  1. So I'm new to this forum and new to hairloss.... The top of my head is starting to thin, noticeable in high light, and/or being wet. Always had an extremely thick head of hair until the last year when it began to shed/thin. My temple area is fine, it's just the top that's sort of starting to thin. I'd like to get a jump on it before it's too late. I tried Nioxin a few months back and hated the serum spray, getting to work my hair would look wet and made it look worse. I also work-out daily and was worried whether that has any effect on hair loss?


    So my question is, what's the best first step(s). Should I see a dermatologist ASAP and get the route cause nailed down?

  2. So new member here, this has probably been gone over a million times... But a little back story.. So I'm 28, always had a extremely full thick head of hair. Never even really needed styling products to make it stand up, could just run my hands through it. Well in the last year or so my hair on top has greatly reduced, the sides not at all, nor the back or temples. Just on top. Now in bright light if my hair is a certain way I can see scalp, and if it's wet I can see the whole top through my thinned hair.


    My question is, is there and good positive reviewed and used hair thickening/new growth (probably asking for a miracle) shampoo/conditioner? I used Nioxin 1 for the life of the bottles and didn't notice anything and using the serum was kind of a PITA. I researched Phytoworx but found that most reviews were fake spambot by a website. So can anyone here maybe recommend something? I do plan at some point in the near future to see a dermatologist. My father is bald, as is his father. However mothers side is not. Was always told I wouldn't bald because of this, now I learn this is a old wives tale!



    Thanks for any help!!!

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