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Posts posted by nomorehopes7878

  1. Couple of years ago I went to see physician and trichologist, and they saw no issue, and that was the reason why I hoped my HT result would be good.


    Unfortunately I haven't seen a single person on this forum yet who could say I failed my first large HT, but the second one went well. Secondly I haven't seen many failed FUE here as well, no one I could have a discussion that would help me to understand what went wrong in my case.

  2. I'd consult with some of reputable clinics in Belgium and get your donor evaluated.


    I do not agree switching to FUT is guarenteed solution like is being suggested here. As relayed in the same advice no HT is guaranteed to grow successfully. So you could end up with a massive invasive FUT scar and still no growth if your grafts did not take. A far worse position and unable to shave your head down!


    Given the number of grafts you have already has taken its quite possible you are no longer a HT candidate unfortunately. I do not agree with 4000 mega sessions in general particulary from turkey and they are not a reflection of the general success of the FUE procedure. Research FUE results from the Belgium clinics for a better idea.


    In saying that the likes of Dr Vories are pushing the FUE boundaries with some recent cases with these high numbers. I need to see more evidence though over a longer period of time.


    Ps your pictures are really odd. You need to grow the top out to evaluate the yield properly and taper in the back and sides.

    It's impossible to tell your true state from them. Can you post any with a normal hair cut and top grown out?



    Best of luck


    I buzz my hair ar 3mm, are you saying that growing my hair would give me better appearance with this density?


    I guess trico pigmentation is one of the best solution for me right now.




    Thank you for the link.

    The results look pretty impressive.


    I am glad I wrote this post couple of days ago, because now I know what could be one of the reasons for this failure and I hope that something still can be done.

    Probably, all I need now is to get a professional consultation

  4. What did he say was wrong with your donor? Low density?


    He should have offered you a refund or option to switch to FUT.


    Just going ahead with a megasession seems unethical to me.


    As Dr Feller says you could switch to FUT depending on the condition of your donor area.


    If you're a bit wary of that, you could find a surgeon willing to do a test-session before you commit to a long linear scar. You would end up with a short scar (a few cm max) but get to see if FUT will grow better for you.



    Best of luck.


    My donor had low density and hair looked weak.

    I was offered another FUE with a discount in case I have any donor left.

    They don't perform FUT there.


    Thanks for advising on "test-session before you commit to a long linear scar".

    If you know clinics who offer this option that would be really appreciated

  5. Thanks HairJo

    I guess you are right the consultation with an experienced doctor is the best option right now.

    The only thing is I have that feeling that most of surgeons will say "Well, you don;t have many chances but let's try our best and see what happens".

  6. Nomorehopes,

    I'm sorry to read that you had such a poor growth yield. But you need not give up hope. You are not the only one to go through this at all. I had a patient in your shoes a year ago and he posted his experience on here. I'll find the link for you tomorrow so you can see what he did. You may want to contact him.


    So what probably happened? No HT is guaranteed to grow well. That's just the nature of surgery in general. However, and I'm sorry to say, FUE procedures are notorious for poor growth yields despite the massive internet hype and marketing by gadget companies.


    The reason is the trauma inflicted on the grafts during the extraction process. No matter how caring, skilled, and meticulous the surgeon the grafts are always damaged during FUE. It's just a matter to what extent and what tolerance level the graft has for that damage. I'm sorry to see you're grafts have a low tolerance.


    So what to do? Simple. Switch to the FUT procedure. This procedure does not traumatize the grafts. So even very physiologically fragile grafts have a far far greater chance of surviving the transplant process and growing.


    In my patient described above he had virtually no growth from his FUE (performed elsewhere though I don't remember where that was), but after the FUT he had virtually 100% growth. We just did a second procedure on him using FUT as well. While we did have to work through a lot of FUE scarring, it really isn't a problem for a skilled team of technicians.


    So before giving up hope, seek out a quality FUT surgeon with a proven track record and I should think you will see growth far more along the lines of what you were expecting. Just go to the list of Recommended Doctors on this site and click on someone in your area. I think you'll feel instantly better and more hopeful.


    Best of luck to you.

    Dr. Feller

    Great Neck,NY


    Thank you Dr. Feller for such a detailed piece of advice.

    I would really appreciate the link to your patient mentioned above, because it sounds like something that can be done. Could you please explain why extracting grafts during the FUT procedure is less damaging?


    I am surprised I have never heard about the fact that FUE is more damaging than FUT. Probably I just missed it because I thought my donor hair is good and strong, so I paid no attention to this fact.


    To people flying to another country for a HT, I would definitely recommend to get professional consultation locally first.

  7. No it's not Doganay,

    To be honest, I would like not to disclose his name publicly at this moment due to several reasons. (But I guess you can pm me).


    Here are some before and after pics.

    I guess, it is even difficult to tell which one is which.


    I think my donor would be enough to give me another 500 graft max to fix frontal top area.

    It is difficult to choose a top doctor now, because I thought I had done my research well before HT and I was wrong.


    It feels like you can trust no one.

    It would be nice to hear from someone who found a courage to do a second HT after a FUE failure.




  8. Hi guys


    I had my FUE 1.5 year ago and I guess the current result is the final one.

    I had a HT with a (well-known at this forum) Turkish surgeon and the final result is awful.

    According to my personal estimation only 25% of grafts survived out of almost 4000 HT.

    I contacted the clinics and they agreed that the result is very poor and agreed to do a second HT with a "significant discount".


    To be honest, I was told right before HT that my donor area doesn't look good, but the surgeon will do the best he can.


    The reason why I am writing this post is to find out how many people are there with a failed FUE, is there any sense in taking another HT.

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