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Posts posted by keeponplucking

  1. I thought it would be useful to put together a collection of the results which have been posted to this website. A centralized resource for anyone who is interested in Dr Rahal’s work. So that's what I did.



    Cases we posted





    3116 grafts.


    2853 grafts.


    2166 grafts (crown).


    2380 grafts.


    660 grafts (eyebrow restoration).


    2084 grafts.


    4156 grafts.


    4603 grafts.


    2747 grafts (crown).


    2971 grafts.


    3249 grafts.


    3418 grafts.


    3693 grafts.


    4381 grafts.


    3082 grafts.


    2734 grafts.


    6228 grafts.


    3241 grafts.


    4357 grafts.


    3607 grafts.


    2868 grafts.


    2989 grafts.


    2688 grafts.


    2597 grafts.


    3154 grafts.


    3133 grafts.


    3489 grafts.


    4673 grafts.


    2753 grafts.


    1902 grafts (beard restoration).


    3792 grafts.


    2250 grafts.


    1902 grafts.


    1978 grafts.


    3879 grafts.


    6282 grafts.


    3133 grafts.


    1435 grafts.


    1635 grafts (female patient).


    5077 grafts.


    2000 grafts (crown).


    3320 grafts.


    4603 grafts.








    620 grafts (female patient).


    285 grafts (eyebrow restoration).


    2549 grafts.


    2402 grafts.


    1803 grafts.


    2589 grafts.


    1831 grafts.



    Threads, blogs and galleries posted by patients






    DreamBig's 3529 FUT result.


    Cant Decide decided: a 5229 graft FUT transformation was the result.


    2380 FUT procedure. Somebody said Wolverine...


    Capelli11's 4616 FUT result gets better and better.


    Stellar's own thread for his 6228 graft FUT procedure.


    JohnnyWalker81: 3149 FUT grafts.


    Gattaca's 1 year update - 3500+ grafts FUT.


    Patiently Waiting: 3744 grafts.


    Jacob1989 AKA 'thegeneral' 3499 graft FUT result.


    NEWHAIRPLEASE, 4808 FUT, doing nicely at just 4 months.


    Hairgoesnothing's 5604 FUT result.


    Hairfusion 4597 FUT restoration.


    Rahal_UK_Patient: 2862 grafts to front via FUT.


    MaC83's repair case - 2468 FUT.


    Colorado42's 3918 FUT procedure.


    Omviki's album - 4308 FUT.


    AlwaysSunny: 1500 + 1666 FUT for hairline/front.


    ScottishGuy - 3699 grafts FUT.


    Hairwelcome 3137 graft FUT.


    Pablo, AKA youngproper shows us his3496 graft FUT result.


    Predator's 2886 graft FUT frontal restoration.


    Mane Attraction: good pun, great hair - 3481 FUT.


    l.g. 2000+ grafts for the hairline.


    Jbitb: 3700 grafts FUT - blonde hair.


    El Nino: 2803 + 2597 FUT crown result.


    DeDome 2557 FUT grafts hairline experience.


    Canadian_Buba 3054 graft FUT hairline result.


    Geeve's 5044 FUT procedure.


    NeoHT: 2100 grafts via FUT.


    TommyF: 3250 FUT to front.


    Ipok's 1531 FUT hairline procedure.


    Genesis's 2151 graft FUT hairline result.


    rahalpatient's 2775 graft FUT result.


    undercover's dramatic transformation.


    000flatpro: 4321 graft FUT frontal restoration.


    frontaltool's 3775 FUT procedure to repair plugs.






    Hair4Life's 2521 FUE procedure.


    hadenuf's FUE combo: 2143 + 1614 grafts.


    2589 graft FUE procedure, full frontal zone restoration.


    Born76’s one year update – 2460 FUE.



    This is an awesome post - an update to 2016 would be incredibly helpful...!

  2. Hi guys


    New member here. I am feeling really sad about my hair line and have decided to have a HT in the next year or so. I would be INCREDIBLY appreciative if you guys could steer me towards some of the leading names in this field globally? I can travel wherever I need to go and money is no huge factor.


    I have had some bad experiences with doctors in relation to other things so am quite sensitive to finding the best!


    Im 32 years old with light coloured hair and would describe myself at stage III vertex.



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