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Posts posted by hammerhead

  1. I had an FUT procedure from another doctor. A few weeks into the post-op healing process I became concerned about yellow crusts and scabs that didn’t look right. I was told by the office assistants multiple times that it’s all normal, no need to be concerned. The condition seemed to worsen over the next 3 months, as I contacted the office multiple times, provided two rounds of photos a month apart – and was never able to speak directly to the doctor. Finally, I pleaded that my pictures be placed in front of the doctor and asked for his response. He responded (through the office personnel, not from him) that I had Seborrheic Dermatitis and prescribed steroid shampoo and foam.


    For three and a half months I suffered intense hair loss, unsightly worsening scabs and crusts, and obvious set back to the procedure – hopefully no permanent damage, but I won’t know for several months. The original physician is located 750 miles away – and at this point I was just frustrated that I got strung along for so long a period as the condition worsened. Now, instead of growing hair, I am focused on treating a scalp medical condition – that needs to be cleared up so the new transplants can grow.


    I was desperate – the local dermatologists where I live were weeks / months out for getting an appointment. I finally started looking outside to larger towns where there might be a dermatologist or hair transplant surgeon who could at least take a look at it in person and advise me.


    Enter Doctor Steven Gabel! I sent an email outlining my history much as I’ve done here. Expecting a response from an office person, instead I got an immediate personal response from Doctor Gabel himself! He wanted to see pics – and immediately after seeing them, wanted to see me in person ASAP. He offered to come into his office after hours on a Saturday (the next day), if I was willing to drive up.


    When I arrived, Dr. Gabel himself answered the locked door and ushered me up to his office for the exam. After the exam, Dr. Gabel himself took a full set of photos. He then went to work scrapping off all the infected crusts and scabs. After that, two of his assistants took me into another room and washed my hair two times with medicated shampoos, then sprayed my scalp down with anti-bacterial spray.


    Dr Gabel then did another exam – then called in a prescription for the medicated steroid shampoo to help clear up the condition and prevent further infection. This after-hours Saturday appointment lasted two hours! Other than the shampooing, all of that time was spent with Dr. Gabel! I was blown away! What an answer to prayer – Dr. Gabel is truly a patient’s advocate – it’s not just a clich? with him – he is the real deal! His personal caring and compassion was the first real comfort I’d had in three months!


    My biggest regret is that I didn’t find Dr. Gabel sooner! I am absolutely convinced I would have received the highest possible quality transplant procedure, and more importantly, personal post-op care directly from the surgeon, any time I required it. Had anything gone wrong – there is no doubt he would have personally and immediately nipped it in the bud – and at this point I would be months further along in my hair growth.


    Anyone considering a hair transplant procedure – I implore you to seek out Dr Gabel. Beyond the best hair transplant surgeon – he is the best doctor I have ever encountered for anything in my life! I wish I were in your shoes, and knew what I know now. Be careful out there as you search out a surgeon for your procedure. You’ll be in the best hands with Dr. Gabel – and I am not saying that lightly!

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