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Chemo Kid

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Posts posted by Chemo Kid

  1. I have used this website as a tool for over a year now researching hairloss and my options. I'm currently at the point where I need to find out if a HT is something I can afford so I decided to post. Currently i'm 26, but at 22 I lost my hair due to chemotherapy treatments from stage 2 testicular cancer. Unfortunately that means I am unable to take hormones such as Prepecia to aid in my hairloss reversal. I guess being competely bald, though only for a short time, has given me a complex and I need to start doing something about my receeding hairline. With that said, I'm not sure where to go from here. I would only consider using a recommended surgeon but unfortunately I'm over 100 miles away from any surgeons listed. I need to figure out my cost(i.e. number a grafts) for the procedure(s) I would need and online calculators don't really seem to help. Should I take a day trip to go see a surgeon or do I have any other options? I'd just hate to drive 200 miles to be told my goals will cost me $20,000 when that's just not realistic for me right now. Thanks!

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