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Posts posted by Hairmanic

  1. You should go to a local clinic in the morning and have them examine you. Everything I've read says that you'll get pimples from ingrown hairs but that doesn't happen until they start growing which is like three months later! You're only a couple of days after your surgery so you might have an infection and a doctor should check you out and prescribe antibiotics.


    Its really just a small whitehead, but like many I am just worried it might affect the growth of the transplanted hairs. I am still on the antibiotics though

  2. Couple of days, still early, popping could disrupt grafts healing. No Vit E until they heal properly, washing it off could be as mess. Wash hair once a day is enough. Stay calm and patient and rest. I don't have links, just 3 HTs experiences.

    yea so this is where I'm confused, I was told by the nurses to pop them and even given a couple of needles. So I'm getting conflicting information, and the post-op care booklet doesn't mention popping the zits/pimples.

  3. So I had a transplant with Hasson and Wong a couple days ago, and I believe I have a pimple/zit with a whitehead on my crown. Should I pop it? I was told not to put any alcohol on my scalp so how would I disinfect and remove it and not ruin/irritate any grafts?



    should I use vitamin E oil on my recipient grafts? I read that some surgeons recommend it.


    my instructions say to wash hair once day, but other surgeons state twice, will washing my head twice a day affect the grafts/scar in anyway? I ask because I tend to get very oily skin and I really don't want to clog any grafts.


    would appreciate any help as well as some source links (for my benefit) on any advice you'd be willing to share!

  4. Hello guys.


    Here are my 4,5 month update photos.



    They counted my surviving grafts from the first procedure to something around 99%.


    I think my donor looks really good after 9000 grafts have been extracted, and the transplanted hair is starting to look really good as well.


    Another thing that has helped is switching from finasteride to dutasteride. I kept loosing a lot of hair on fin even after 4-5 years, but as soon as i switched to dut, the shedding has stopped, and my hair has thickened up a lot in the crown and midscalp.

    Hey acegik,


    Your hairloss pattern is very similar to mine although and I've been using fin for 3 years but still shedding. So a couple of quick questions:

    Was your hair oily before, during fin use?

    Also did u experience a shed when starting dut?



    Sorry for high jacking your thread, I'm just trying to draw a comparison to see if I should use Dut.


    And congratulations on your results!

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