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Posts posted by Bhushan88

  1. Hello Guys,


    Sorry for the late update, I missed on my 1st month update.

    I completed my 2 months on 16th June and am attaching the pics of the same day.


    I have one query about the pimples or buds on my crown. They irrigate me like hell and I seem to lose about one or two hair everyday while washing my hair.


    Is it normal? and plus what can be done for these pimples on my crown?











  2. Hi,


    Really disappointed with the results. Pics post 6 and a half months. Not much growth.


    Hi Sumit, Have you tried contacting Prashant Yadav's clinic after such outcome?

    If yes, what was his reaction?


    Also what was the normal medication routine you followed for past 6 months?


    As I am on Dutasteride 0.5 mg (1 Alternate day) & Keraglo Men (Daily) with KeraXL serum twice daily.


    I completed 1 month 12 days today after HT, would be posting my pics soon.

  3. Hello Guys,


    I first want to thank you all for the tips & information shared on this blog because of which I got many of my doubts clear and also got the courage to go ahead and get my HT done.


    I am in my late 20s & after dealing with hairloss for 9-10 years now and losing most of my hairs year by year, I tried most of the medicines including Finax & minox, but they always had a temporary effect and the hairloss continued. So I decided to go for HT after all the research and taking to various doctors in Mumbai & Pune, I went ahead with Prashant Yadav (Dezire Clinic Pune) after visiting him and also looking at some of the results posted on these blogs.


    On 16th of April I decided to go for my HT of 4000 grafts which he suggested would be enough to cover my front as well as my crown area. Clinic had already asked me to do a blood test a week before the HT and send them the results which were clear & called me a day earlier and instructed me all the Do's & Dont's before my surgery, one of them was to color my hair, No Oil and also get shirt and a lose sports cap.

    As when I arrived at the clinic they gave me garments to change and made me sit in a room where Dr came and did my Hair line marking. To be very frank he is not very talkative as some people have mentioned here, he only speaks to the point which I thought at first to be rude. I got the marking done, a nurse gave me some tablets before moving me to a room where my head was shaved and then was moved to surgery room.


    I was first administered local anesthesia, which was the most painful part of the surgery. As many injections were given over the donor area to make it numb, there was no pain thereafter. Extraction of grafts were fully performed by Dr Prashant himself with the help of his assistant & few nurses. It took around 2-3 hours to get all the grafts removed after which I was given a break of 15-20 minutes for lunch.

    I completed my lunch quickly and went again in the same room for implantation where again local anesthesia were now given on recipient area (Same Painful Stuff) after which the implantation was started by his technician and few nurses. I would like to highlight here the staff there is extremely helpful and make you very comfortable and also got to know from them that Dr Prashant speaks very less normally which I thought at first as rude, but then all I want is my HT to be perform good which he did.

    The implantation of 4000 grafts took around 5-6 hours where I was given a break or two for movement. The Dr visited the room 3-4 times to check on the surgery.

    Also meanwhile my surgery I was given PRP session which they told me would help for the growth of my hair. I have my second PRP session scheduled after one month. (Both the PRP sessions were part of my HT).


    Once the implantation was done they washed my head with a shaving foam and then applied Fusidic Acid cream on donor area and dressed it. I was given a band to wear to stop the swelling. Then his assistant handed me a list of medicines and instructions. I left the clinic to a nearby hotel for my stay. (NOTE: If you plan out to get your surgery performed on Saturday you will have to come back to clinic on Monday for removal of your dressing as on Sunday there is no staff available to get your dressing removed) As I was unaware of it I decided to get the dressing removed it myself as I had to leave for Mumbai the next evening due to some issues.


    All in all I would say I had a mixed bag of feelings after my HT. I am not sure how it is going to turn out but I am keeping my fingers crossed hoping it turn out to be good. I am attaching my pictures for your reference, these were taken from my mobile so some of them aren't very clear, kindly have a look and please post your views on the same.











  4. Hello Members,


    This is my first post and I would like to thank you all for giving me knowledge about everything related to HT and how one should go and prepare oneself for HT.


    About me, I am from Mumbai India and have been facing hair loss since past 8-9 years, but since last 2-3 years the hair loss has turned really bad. I think that particularly because of my profession (IT Service), Shifts take a toll on body.


    So after some research on Internet, I found your website which would share the stories of people suffering from Hair loss and how to curb it. I have decided to go for HT with a doctor in Pune within 3 Months time from now based on some research on this forum.


    Currently I am on Finasteride (1mg), Follihair and proanagen topical solution to keep my existing hair intact.

    My question is should I continue it upto my HT? and also can you please suggest if doctors recommend medicines after the HT is performed to keep hair loss at bay?


    Because the consultant I went through, he suggested you wont need any medicines in future after HT is done as they are going to provide me with 2 PRP session after 1st and 2nd month of HT to support hair growth.


    Eagerly waiting for replies..

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