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Posts posted by mck2005

  1. Dr. Wesley performed a 2000 graft FUT transplant on my scalp about a month ago. After visiting a few hair transplant surgeons in the NYC area, my intuition told me that Dr. Wesley actually cares about the quality of his work. The biggest fear of undergoing a transplant is a poor result, so finding a surgeon who seemed trustworthy and knowledgable of the newest medical research / techniques was my primary goal.


    My intuition turned out to be right. Dr. Wesley and his medical staff created a very positive environment during the procedure, and I trusted his guidance for the pattern that would yield the most natural result. While I can't speak about my own results since only a month has past, I can say that Dr. Wesley is a genuine person with a consistent track record. There is a reason why over 85% of his patients come from personal referrals. I definitely see myself returning back to Dr. Wesley if I ever do need another transplant in the years to come.

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