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Posts posted by Dmhead

  1. I saw a video about a hair system attachement in India. It seems they used a mono base system. Does this look ok?



    I want to have a pompadour hair style with the system I'm using right now, but the front lace seems too exposed when I tape it. Should I get a mono base like in the video instead or am I doing something wrong with my system?


    My system


  2. Hi DMHead - I think if you get a silk pillowcase to cut down the friction, and you run a line of tape down the middle of your base - straight down the middle of your head - you will find that sorts the problem out.


    I just took off my system and tried what you said. It feels better now, even though I can feel a little bit. I notice sleeping on the side is now easier than laying straight. I'm using lace system. Are poly skin with just glue more comfortable?

  3. one or more of - still getting use to it, need to tape nearer the edge, bond not 100% strong (it will move with this) or head and pillow creating too much friction (consider silk or satin cases) but this could be a sleep and neck issue.


    Thanks for some good advice. Going to order new blue tapes and a mannequin. It's difficult to tape it accurately without a mannequin.

  4. I generally sleep on my front or side and have no issues.


    Sometimes I fall asleep on my back and most of the time I have no issue as I seem to shift position mid sleep. However, if the bond is nearing the end of the cycle I find it will shift ever so slightly but enough for me to notice and made it awkward


    But do you feel something with the system when you sleep? Or is it something to get used to? I taped mine without a mannequin, which I'm going to require soon. And some of the tapes didn't reach close the edge. Maybe next time with the mannequin, I can make the tapes sit as close at it's get to the edge?

  5. I just got myself a hair system, and I did everything by myself. Had it on over a day, but I notice when I sleep with it, the hair system seems to pressing outwards? I'm using tapes. Does anybody have any experience like that? Did I perhaps taped it wrong?

  6. If you have an old system you can use that I think also some places take measurements from you - usually thats for a full cap, but a mould will be the most accurate. I always send one in.


    Thanks again for all the good advice! I'll be very careful when applying the system. The first time won't be perfect, but just gotta do this more often.

  7. Below that price tends to be lower grade hair and quality and above that is excessive as there is not much difference between the good suppliers - you are paying for offices, advertising and staff, but online place wont carry those overheads and pieces seems to come from the same place.


    I have used the below for a few years now and Im happy with them.


    Top Quality & Affordable Hair Systems, Hairpieces, Toupees, Wigs, Hair Replacement Systems - Shipping UK and Worldwide.


    Thanks for answering all my questions. Just one last one though: Is it necessarry to make a mold?

  8. Oh, where might that be?


    Nice results hair has thickened up alot like my hair i noticed hair thicker and regrowth in the crown.


    I've almost grown half my crown and hair line back with meds alone!


    Hi. I have seen your results on the thread you posted your pictures and it looks impressive. What kind of treatment do you use? I'm from Norway, and finansteride is illegal here. :(

  9. Any before and afters of your frontal 3rd.


    If the lighting matched better, this would be a great case study.


    Unfortunately I don't have any photos from the frontal areas. The results there was very minimal.


    Here is a photo from june 2016 with the same lightning from march 2017:



  10. I'm trying these treatments together to see if I can regrow almost all of my hair back.


    Since may 2015, I've been using dermaroller with minoxidil. This is what I have achieved:


    May 2015:





    March 2017




    Not exactly mindblowing results, but I think there were some regrowths and my hair feels a little thicker than before.


    *Uploaded the photos again and rotatet them so it would easy for people to see how my scalp looks like.

  11. I am definitely seeing what looks like progress however, the photos aren't the most accurate before/afters. The before is in natural lighting while the after seems to be taken indoors under regular lighting. The most important thing is however, if you are seeing actual results in the mirror. How do you feel it's been going for you?


    Best wishes,




    I feel very little progress in this year. I have photos from january to november:







    So you can see, I have managed to get some regrowths, but the hair follicles are quite thin and sort of lifeless.

  12. I've been using minoxidil and microneedling for over a year now. This is before and after pictures:











    I was planning to use the lasercap, but I'm beginning to see no further progress than what I have achieved. It's like the treatment I use is just maintaining the hairs I have left and some small regrowths. So should I just go for a hair system?

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