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Posts posted by s71887

  1. Hi everyone,


    I am a 22 year old who has had a receding hairline that I first noticed around 20 years old. I am probably considered about a Norwood Class 3 currently. If i do decide to make the big decision I will be choosing between Dr. Feller or Bernstein since they are in my area and from what ive read are 2 of the best. Do you guys think 22 is too young to go ahead with this procedure and should I put it off for a few more years?


    I have heard mostly great things about getting a FUE HT. I did however see a few people mentioning that the hair didnt seem natural and you have to keep a certain type of hairstyle to make it look most natural. I usually keep my hair short around a #2 on the buzzer (1/4"). Will a hair transplant to restore my hairline look good in a short hairstyle like this? If so are there any post-op pics of people styling their transplanted hair like so?

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