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Posts posted by pimenton

  1. Hi there, thanks for the replies.


    I had gone to visit my doctor at the time, yes. He took a quick look at my head and just said:


    "Looks like typical male pattern baldness to me"


    That's all he did. He didn't do any other tests.


    There really isn't any history of baldness in my family. I mean, my dad now has the world's worst comb-over, but he's in his late 60s. He had a full, thick head of hair until his 50s.


    The only thing I can put it down to other than stress, is iron deficiency. A few months before my "shedding", I became vegetarian and haven't eaten meat since. I do get plenty of protein through other sources though and have recently started taking iron vitamins, so I don't know..


    I am interested in the non surgical options mentioned. I have mulled over Propecia a lot in the past, but decided against it because of the potential side effects. Also, I wouldn't be able to afford the official one and would have to go for the generic tablet which I've heard isn't very good.


    The laser therapy and PRP treatment is the first time I've heard of such a thing. I would be interested to find out more, especially about the PRP treatment but am having trouble finding anything on google. Does anyone have any links for further reading on the subject?


    BTW, I'm in the UK.


    thanks guys.

  2. Hi guys, hope you can lend your advice.


    I'm 27 years old, and about this time last year my hair started to drastically thin out.


    There is absolutely no history of hairloss/balding in my family, which is why it came as a complete shock. The only thing I can put it down to is stress.


    My hair loss would probably be described as "diffuse thinning". Basically the top part of my head has turned into peach fuzz. No part of my head is COMPLETELY bald.


    I've been using couvre on my scalp, to disguise the thinning. I've tried most of the products on the market and have found that Couvre works best for me. Under dim lighting, it just looks like I have a short style buzz-cut. In harsh sunlight however....I do begin to get very paranoid and my confidence begins to suffer.


    I was wondering if hair transplant procedure might be a good option for me. Is it an easier process when you have diffuse thinning? Are less grafts needed to sort the problem out? How many grafts do you think I would need.


    I know a photo would come in handy. If I can, I will add one to this thread later on.


    Thanks guys.

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