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Posts posted by nuim123

  1. Hi , nuim123


    Any update ? I know it's after 2 years but so many patient loose there hair after 7-8 months .. any issue in your case ?

    Please advice


    Hi guys.


    Here is the result after ›2 years.


    I miss a bit density but I think it's the human mind - you're never satisfied.


    Photos is with a bit toppik





  2. Nuim,


    I just want to thank you for following through month by month for an entire year with great pictures. If and when I get a HT I plan on posting a monthly update w pics.


    There are many who start but for understandable reasons stop updating after 3/4 months.


    It is so amiable for people like me to watch and learn from a detailed post op experience.


    Your results look great.




    Thank you Michael. I missed a detailed description of a journey in hand of Resul Yaman, so i took action and did a detailed thread with focus on photos, so everyone can see the result. I will soon upload pictures of 16th month post op.

  3. .. , am continually shocked at the attitude to dismiss medicines and go for an "all-natural" hair transplant - except I did the same thing, but only because of that stupid doctor - Doctor Patel in Jersey City, just for the record.


    F*@!$ cu*7.


    Merry Christmas! :D


    This doctor is specialized in Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). I have seen some of his photos of patients directly after a transplant. The work looks awful. I did already wrote comments on his instagram photo that he should concentrate on BBLs and mommy makeovers.

  4. In my most recent transplant, Dr Yaman performed all extractions and I did not have to make any stipulations about this. He did all incisions and the techs only did the implanting.


    Weird. Leindub and my self did the surgery the same exact day. We experienced the same and we were only 2 patients. Wondering how he have time to do all the extractions by him self, if he hadn't time for me and Leindub. And the other guy say that he now have 3 patients. Hmmm


    BTW, Dr. Yaman is a great artist regarding hairline and philosophy. It is just disappointing to read more and more complaints about this doctor.

  5. He did break my extractions into 2 parts (3500 grafts) even though they say 1000 grafts per break.


    He did all my extraction part 1 by himself, but he prepared some of the 2nd part and the technicians took the grafts out of my donor area. Ali (technician) did extract about 50 grafts of my donor area with the micro motor.


    My left hairline and left midscalp is quite thin. I'm wondering if part 2 extraction made by technician did ruin some of the grafts.


    If Dr. Yaman does have 3 patients at a time, some of the moderators should seriously ask the doctor for an explanation and consider the recommendation again. This is typically the mentality of so many doctors - getting money-thirsty.

  6. Thank you for the comments.


    Awesome job, and life changing as some would say.


    Just wondering if the density of 45FU/cm2 is for frontal only? and if this is including you existing hair?


    If i remember correctly, it's only for the transplanted area without existing hair.


    Aesthetically Yaman is great for sculpting the hair. Like an artist. But I just don't know if the thickness is correct. Nuim, you look great and so does the video, but how do you feel about the thickness? Can you cut it shorter than that?


    Whenever i shower and use volume shampoo and dry my hair with a hair dryer, it feels dense and thick. Some days i have bad hair day and feels thin. I really hope this feeling will disappear. I often cut my hair faded with razor around the sides. The scares is still visible for the trained eye (those who knows about hair transplant). I want to grow my hair longer at the top, but i think it would look thinner if i shortened it.



    Some have asked me about photos in different lighting. In this awesome forum, i really miss photos of transplants which reflects the real life. Therefore i have taken a series of photos for my 1 year update. The following photos is in the morning, wet and after a shower w/ hair dryer.


    This is some photos when i woke up in the morning. I am a little scared of my left hairline. There is missing some density compared to right side. I will wait a couple of months and discuss it with Dr. Yaman:
























    Dried and with different lights:









    Let me hear what you guys think about my progress.

  7. I am 26 years old and had my first hair transplant a year ago. Each of my friends and family members know i had a surgery and i am quite open to tell them about it. That's not a shame at all. Actually i don't see the imbarassing part of hiding it. It is fascinating that we have the opportunity to do something about our male baldness :)

  8. Hi guys


    It's almost 4 month post operation. My hairline at left side and some at right didn't fell of and grew since day 1. After 1,5 month post operation i switched to 10.000 mcg biotin per day.


    The process is really really slow and i can not wait for the full result.


    Sometimes i use Topik Hairfiber and the look of fullness is quite impressive compared to before the op.


    I will post updates when i see some more improvements.









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