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Posts posted by baldhero

  1. I am also a victim customer of AHS. A few years back paid a lot of money and was scammed into the laser hair treatment. first of all the studio manager was changing on a regular basis. so i was having to explain my circumstanecs and meet new people week by week. not nice when you were wanting to be discreat about it. then the studio was so badly organised, i was regularly double booked, so when i was turning up for my booked in oppointment there was some else there in my place and i got turned away quite a few times. then one magager asked if i would work on his car in return for free products from the shop eg. shampoo etc.. was i thought was an absolute joke. then i found out that the regular change of magers was due to them stealing money from the company in some way, maybe selling products and pocketing the money. so i had spent about 2,500 pounds gb. on laser treatment. i was then told i could upgrade to the high power laser at an additional 2,000 pound gb. which i sadly agreed to. which in my eyes made no differance what so ever..... after a long period of time using monoxidle provided by AHS i was then to discover the worst part about the story yet.... I started showing signs of ED. (unable to have an erection) after research i then found out that this was due to the monoxidil i was applying 2 times aday as reccommended by AHS. so at the age of 25 years old i was still as thining as when i started. 4,500 pound worse off with a ED problem. so now it was time for my treatments to come to an end as i had completed the treatment which i had paid for. as unhappy as i was i contacted the AHS Head office in the UK to explain my self of the service and new problems i had with AHS... only to be talked to by the person who deals with complants like a was some sort of idiot , she made it clear that there was no chance of any money back or anything they could do for me!..... If anyone wants my advice never set foot anywhere near any AHS . they are complete scam artists with no customer care what so ever. and as for laser treatment is a load of bull ! you will get the same results by using monoidil only without the laser. they also didnt tell me that i would have to use monoixdil for the rest of my life because when you stop using it you hair will return to the same state as before...... now i have seen AHS comment saying we have tryed to contact this person . we have offered this offered that... well im here if you want to offer me my money back !!!!!!!!!! if anyone whats to contact me feel free i have nothing to hide and this is 100 percent the truth !!!

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