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Posts posted by kat79

  1. After reading comments on this website I ordered my first DermMatch product this past week and today is Saturday and I received my package in the mail. I could not wait to try the product and so far I am very pleased. I know it will take a little more practice to get it just right, but I think for first application turned out okay. For the past two months I have been using Toppik, but I have not been completely happy with the appearance and it was expensive since the product did not last very long (maybe 1 month). Will Toppik was a fast fix, especially when I am trying to get my 6 year old ready in the morning, I feel that I will enjoy the look of DermMatch over Toppik after just one use.

    My hair is thin on the top, near my forehead, and near the crown. I applied DermMatch, dark brown, to the top of my head and in the end it made very little mess in my bathroom (or on me, I just took my time). I used my blow dryer on a low setting to speed up the drying process.

    I started noticing my hair thin after I had my son in 2002. I have had many problems with my thyroid, and in Sept 2007 I had the overgrown thyroid removed. Since being on the correct medication I have seen less hair come out of my head, but enough has not grown back to replace what I have lost over the years, so to me DermMatch is a great product that makes me feel normal. I am only 29 years old and I just feel so bad when I am in public or on a date because of just how thin my hair is. Real wigs are too expensive so I hope this product continues to be my "secret" weapon against my hair loss.


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