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Posts posted by Cursed73

  1. Sam,

    If you think you got problems check out my profile and then see if you got something to cry about. From your photos it's still too early to tell what your situation is but if there is a problem it's something that can be fixed and in the worst case scenario you still have body hair to relie on to add more density. And think about this, several next generation treatments and even possibly a cure are likely to be available in the next 10 years.

    Sorry if I sound harsh but unless you've been seriously disfigured you need to quit whining. Trust me, things can be a lot worse.

  2. The Dr. I'm in consul with has made it clear that the best we can hope for is low density implants with the idea of using hair building fibers like Toppiks or something similar is the best we can shoot for. I'm not, even with using body hair, expecting miracles. But their is hope that something can be done. The only other option I have is as you said, shave it down but then their is the issue of the donor scar. Plus wuth the ridging in the crown shaving it down will make me look really odd.

  3. One thing that has been pounded into my head since I became visibly balding at 13 is that IF there is a god this is his idea of a sick and cruel joke. Yes, we can all conjure up scenarios where things are worse than mpb, but in our situation it is politically acceptable to laugh at and ridicule those that have this curse.

    Sorry for rambling guys, just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I've had 3 strip incision surgeries done, used finasteride and dutasteride, different strengths of minoxidil, used concealers and even got suckered into that scam known as Hair Club for Men. I know what it's like to have hair and I know what it's like to not have hair and I can say with confidence which side of the fence I like. Currently I'm using minoxidil foam, revita shampoo and just started using finasteride again. I stopped using it 4 years ago due to all the stories about irreversible side effects and I also stopped because just about all the hair that was genetically programed to fall out had did just that. I got back on it because I was told even the grafts and the hair in the donor region over long periods of time can minaturize due to DHT so being as it's cheap enough I'm back on it. I am a Norwood 6 I think but I do have sparse coverage from all the grafts I had done. I am currently consulting with a reputable surgeon that I may be taking a trip to see in March or April. I'm not expecting miracles but hopefully with what little scalp donor hair I have left and with what body hair I have, hopefully we can put something together where I can use a product like Toppiks or Dermatch. Here are some pics. One of them was just before I stopped using finasteride and as you can see I had a little more density but not a whole lot.

    Thanks for hearing my rant guys.






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