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Blog Entries posted by girishess

  1. girishess
    First of all I would personally thank the entire Dezire Clinic team specially Dr. Prashant to build faith and confidence in my mind for understand the condition of my hair and told to take time and understand. He was clear and advising me what can be achieved and what cannot be achieved due to my hair limitation!

    Dezire Clinic team and Dr. Prashant provide me an excellent hair transplant even guiding me how to care before and after treatment. That was definitely be a phase in my life and career that I will always remember and cherish.

    With this I also want to share my honest feedback for others who are suffering from hair Problems and So that the true information is passed to everybody and they do not suffer from future growth due to inadequate information and they will take correct treatment.

    I found Dezire Clinic by my good resources that had done satisfactory treatment from Dezire Clinic, At last my search stopped at Dezire Clinic door step and I decided to take treatment from Dr. Prashant’s Dezire Clinic.

    Once my treatment was done I went my home town after 4-5 month. My father just look at my face and said ‘You are look different other days have you done some facial or take some yoga because you look so young today like before 5-7 years you were looked” . That time I was feeling very happy after comments on my father because he always wants me to look like “Hero”. Same comments I got after met my family/friends/relative etc.

    After treatment I was took full medicine course as guided by Dezire Clinic team and Dr. Prashant upto 10 months. Additionally, I took vitamins and protein by fruits, nuts and daily I took natural and homemade foods and sweets.

    Exam: Green Sprouts, Cow milk, low oil made vegetable, more daals, pomegranates juice, Orange juice, Salads

    I had noted my hair fall started 5-7 years back and I did lot of research and met different-2 hair treatment Clinic for better treatment but I was not satisfied as they were hurry to do treatment in one day and get more money from my pocket.

    But Dr. Prashant was not in hurry to do procedure I met him first time with a reference known and took decision to go with him for the hair FUE procedure. I was hesitant and afraid to go for this procedure, however, I met him and his team a number of times to understand the reality and complications of this procedure and he explained simply and patiently advising me the details.

    Dr. Prashant took 2 days for my treatment and 4000 grafts were done from my limited donor area the grafts are distributed mainly on the frontal and middle scalp region, After first day treatment I drive myself and reached my home took overnight rest and come back alone once my treatment finished again I drive and reach home safely without any concern.

    Dr. Prashant changes my life style and gave me confidence to join party with family/friends with The overall my experience with Dezire Clinic and you was good and your clien procedure as much as good as you your all staff.

    I didn't have as such post procedure problems only few days I just took rest compare to others normal days to get better result. After one day rest I had join my office and working normally.

    Now if you compare my previous pic’ with new you can see a valuable difference as per my thought.

    Once again, I thank all of Dezire Clinic team and Dr. Prashant for their support and encouragement and wish you the best of luck for your future endeavors too.

    I wish everyone all the very best and will hope to remain in touch with as many as we can.


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