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Posts posted by AlexStefan

  1. 1990 euros, I had 3800 grafts in total from back of the head- 2500, beard- 800 and Chest- 500. Also, the price is fixed irrespective of the number of grafts. For example, if they can extract 4000 above, the price will still remain the same, inclusive of everything. Dr. Cinik will provide you with his own shampoo as well and this is also included in the price.

    really very convenient price by the number of grafts

  2. I am a 25 years old guy from India. Recently, I got my hair transplant by Dr. Cinik from Istanbul. Firstly, it took a lot of courage to think about getting the transplant done since I was traveling alone and it was a big step for someone my age. But once I met Dr. Cinik, my perception completely changed.


    Dr. Cinik is really cool and calm guy. Initially, I was a bit afraid about the transplant, but due to his attitude and confidence I felt comfortable to go ahead with the procedure. In fact, he responds quite quickly to whatever queries I had and assured me that things would be fine and kept up to his word. Since I workout in the gym quite often, he even instructed me on what supplements I could use and provided scientific justification for each. I can't appreciate him enough for all the support he is providing even after having 100's of patients. I sincerely thank him for his commitment towards the patients. I strongly believe, while getting a cosmetic surgery it is very important for having the right mindset, and Dr. Cinik gets you in that aura.






    Furthermore, I would like to take this opportunity on answering any questions related to the hair transplant with Dr. Cinik and the overall experience and/ or cost related issues. Before I went for the transplant, I did a lot of research, and I do not think it is possible to get a better price for the transplant with maximum grafts. In any case, I will update my pictures and how my transplant works out regularly. Cheers!!


    how many grafts?

    how much?

  3. Hi Alex my hair is also starting to grow, it's a bit of a relief. I still regret going to a tech mill to get my transplant. It's too much of a risk. I should have done more research but hopefully the result will be good fingers crossed. One of the positives is i was given a conservative mature hairline!




    I was the same in my first months. But if your result will be good you will forget all these. Be patient and wait your result.

  4. Hi Alex how is your hair now?

    I also had a transplant at cosmedica I am 11 weeks tomorrow attached is a picture. What do you think?

    I take finasteride I use nizoral shampoo and starting using rogaine.

    You can see the old hair line in the picture. Any comments people?



    I think your hairs is good for 11 weeks. I use finasteride and biotin.

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