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Benedict Arnold

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Posts posted by Benedict Arnold

  1. Apparently, some of my ideas were misintepreted, as is so often the case w/great thinkers whose concepts transcend that of conventional wisdom. Admittedly, they are of an advanced level. Let us try again through a facet of thought more conducive to the layman's understanding. Want ego not only has my respect, but his hair DEMANDS it. His hair and over all transformation are nothing less then spectacular, and I have even gone so far as to pm him to let him know as much.


    My point was of a subtler nature. Would you deny Beethoven his piano? Would you deny Mother Teresa the company of the sick and needy? Would you deny Picasso his canvas, break his hands, and hang his painting above a toilet?Likewise, wantego's hair is tantamount to the potentially unrealized value as of the afore mentioned historical examples; I am merely attempting to assure he experiences and appreciates it for all of it's inherent value.A bold stroke from the brush and a palm of putty is paramount in realizing the panache he so deserves.


    I leave you this evening w/the following thoughts, a wise man once said ---"fortune favors the bold". The brush beckons boldness my good friend. The brush beckons boldness.

  2. Wantego,


    I cannot attempt to express the glories of your hair while being confined to the english language. Rahal has blessed you beyond the scope which finite communication can currently express. His labors have birthed more hairs upon your head than that of a mormon mother has begat children for her husband; and the sub-sequential labors of each of the begotten shall provide many fruits to the laborers.Each graft should glorify your head as all of the splendors of Solomon in his vast empire.


    But, you spent 14-16K on this luxurious, pompous pompadore of a pimp wig; please, for the love of god spend the:


    -$30 on a hair cut.

    -$10 on some styling products.

    -$5 on GQ mag


    in order to realize the material gains you have been given, and style that fro up to the max, so we can see it in all of it's splendid glory w/some flare! As it currently stands, it appears that your most relishing splurge is that of a shampoo and a light use of the brush to "sweep" those glorious grafts to the side of your head. Both Rahal and the community deserve more effort on your part.


    *post is both out of jealousy for your beast of a head of hair, and curiosity w/what it would look like under 'premier' conditions. icon_smile.gif

    Translation: you spent good money, got an insane result, now PIMP THAT WIG!

  3. Hey Richie,


    your hair transformation looks phenomenal, congrats!

    One Question:


    you had ZERO graft placement on top/frontal third, yet your response from "meds" looks absolutely stellar. Question being, if you cut your hair down as short as your pre-meds pic do you think it would be as "thick" in appearance? I only ask because the transformation looks so great and it's hard to tell given the different lengths. Judging by your post med "grown out" shots, looks as though you have no loss. Have the meds really helped in *this* SIGNIFICANT of a way, as appears by your pics?


    I'm suffering from Damn Sucks Ba*$@s A@!! Male Pattern Baldness as well...had to bury my grandmother last weekend! AhHAHHAHHAHhahaHHHAha....she had a weird accent anyway--- AhHAHhaHHAHAHhHAHAHH!!!! told every body at work I crashed my wheel chair, hence the "bald spot" in my crown..AHHhahhHAHHAhAHAHAhhAH.....anyway, DR. FELLER looks to be the best way to go, especially judging from your pics; let me know about the hair length discrepancies and meds, and what not! AhhHAHAHhahHAHHAAHhahHAhAHAHh!!!

  4. I buzzed my hair to a half inch in length tonight, my guards don't have #'s on them so I'm not sure if that's a 2,3, or 4; if anyone knows I would like to know. Anyway, under bright bathroom light I can see my scalp in the donor area (on the sides only NOT the back); not in some extreme way, but basically just saying that it's not some WALL of hair.



    so is this normal or "average" at this length? I'm asking w/respect to both density in terms of sq. cm and scar visibility. I would assume that half inch is a #3 guard and most people claim they can clip down to this length w/out scar visibility, but obv. if Im seeing some scalp at this length, then a scar is defo gonna show'o; and if this is the case due to a lack of density per sq. cm, then I would assume I have less than average total donor hair available.



    For clarification purposes, the "scalp visibility" at this length isn't anything remotely resembling that of DUPA or some port to port peg leg pirate/drunken sailor two bit visiting hooker, scabies infected wilting away KILL ME PLEASE I have two hairs left HEAD. Just some scalp showing.

  5. I buzzed my hair to a half inch in length tonight, my guards don't have #'s on them so I'm not sure if that's a 2,3, or 4; if anyone knows I would like to know. Anyway, under bright bathroom light I can see my scalp in the donor area (on the sides only NOT the back); not in some extreme way, but basically just saying that it's not some WALL of hair.



    so is this normal or "average" at this length? I'm asking w/respect to both density in terms of sq. cm and scar visibility. I would assume that half inch is a #3 guard and most people claim they can clip down to this length w/out scar visibility, but obv. if Im seeing some scalp at this length, then a scar is defo gonna show'o; and if this is the case due to a lack of density per sq. cm, then I would assume I have less than average total donor hair available.



    For clarification purposes, the "scalp visibility" at this length isn't anything remotely resembling that of DUPA or some port to port peg leg pirate/drunken sailor two bit visiting hooker, scabies infected wilting away KILL ME PLEASE I have two hairs left HEAD. Just some scalp showing.

  6. Originally posted by TheEmperor:


    Even if ALL remaining follicles were used to reconnect and establish the sides, the patient coiuld look comically imbalanced, with a forward-placed (yet thin) wall of hair in front, strage thinness on the sides, and a completely bald crown.


    A skilful NW2 hairline might be appropriate but if they embark on a NW0-1, then the paitent could be screwed before he is 40.


    I see what your saying and have thought about this scenario myself, but I don't think any elite, top notch surgeon will ever put their patients in this type of jeopordizing situation to begin with. They will evaluate his total possible donor, plan for the worst case scenario of loss, and design the initial hair line and placement of grafts accordingly.

  7. I agree, that graft # coupled w/your characteristics will give you a solid result. Typically I read that H&W get more grafts then they aimed for (not to worry though, as you got a ton) did they chalk this up to laxity issues? Were you doing scalp exercises prior to your surgery?

    Sleeping: get some meds.

    Grow well.

  8. Iraq=stress. Possibly stress related, short term/temporary hair loss.


    On the same token, 'family history of hair loss' is not, by any means, a conclusive lexicon for your uniquely individual genetically programed head. At BEST it's a starting point and general frame which one can hope to build upon. Hair loss, like any other gene, can skip generations and even if everyone that your aware of in your family have had unfathomable heads of hair, that is not to say that you will as well. You could be the exception.


    Having said that, I would consult a dermatologist (as other's have stated) and see if there is some underlying condition. If not, join the club of the shiny, gleaming, bald headed men whom take pills which cause their groins to shrink w/the mere *hope* of retaining some of their hair...


    life is fun! icon_razz.gif

  9. Get a ht. Laser combs are a crock. You'd have a better shot at jump starting your growth by wrapping your head in aluminum foil and shoving it in the microwave for 20 minutes.

    season w/salt and butter to taste.

    *I can't believe it's not butter for those w/cholestorol concerns.

    *sea salt for those w/hypertension.

    *substitute foot ball helmut if aluminum foil causes scalp irritation.

    *use open flame if anyone in your imm. family has a history of allergic reactions to prolonged exposure while placing their head in a microwave oven, while wrapped in aluminum foil, marinated in salt and butter/sea salt, and/or I can't believe it's not butter... obv (self-explanatory, really).


    Imm. remove your tin foil wrapped, salt & butter marinated head from the microwave if you have any allergic reactions...party pop time is over my friend.


    Place in festive bowl, use oven gloves to carry ensuring safety, and enjoy.

    Serves 2-4 depending on parties weight and stature.

  10. Treehuggger,


    was this an online or in office consult? I'm asking w/respect to how they came to the conclusions of 3,500 grafts, which seems a bit small considering their reputation, and a '6' on the scale of hair caliber (?).


    While it is true that 3,500 won't make you "one and done", in any respect, I have to disagree w/some of the previous comments stating that they should turn you away. If *anything* you are a paradigmatic case for H&W, to the extent that you resemble many other of their patients, whom have had tremendous results, (i.e. Nic Nitro, Bobman, London Lad, Jotronic, Shuffle, et al) which would otherwise prove contradictory to any other sediment.


    All in all, it is a difficult decision. One which many people agonize over. For you, individually, I would ask the following:


    -will you be happy w/3,500 grafts into the front and mid third section for the next year?

    -are you willing to go for another ht next year?


    If, the first procedure will give you enough satisfaction in and of itself and/or you have the patience to continue; then I think it's a fantastic idea. It really depends upon you and your tolerance/patience threshold.


    All the Best.

  11. Your hair is insane! I can't believe how thick and full it looks in the one shot where it's up and swept back. Forget Steve Martin, get a chin implant and you could double as Jey Leno w/that poofy hair; actually you've got more hair than him too!


    how does it feel to go from a balded man, to looking like you belong in the inner circles of some masculine, testosterone driven Latino club? Bull fighting, or maryache music holds in the future perhaps? Glute implants a la Beverly Hills for the former & BHT for a long sweeping 'stache a la umar for the latter. Free tickets to the bull fighting would be a nice consolation

    for the advise.

  12. the donor hair retains it's genetically programmed characteristics, it's called 'donor dominance' and is what allows for ht's to be possible; that is, the follicles are not susceptible to DHT and thus continue growing for life. the 'curl' your experiencing is more than likely the 'kinky' 'frizzy' effect of the hair being transplanted, which is merely temporary.


    now onto a more pertinent and sober question which has plagued the minds of balding men for ages from dusk to dawn:

    when we hear such eloquent descriptions of the gratuity, philanthropy, and sheer love demonstrated by the staff of top clinics, what precisely is to be expected?


    Do they bathe & kiss thy feet & loins in warmed melted butter milk from the local herds finest & flawless cows? Do they offer a prayer and blessing over each hair they pluck and plant; perhaps a seance or gypsic dance of sorts prior to the implantation of each strand? Do they offer thy their first born virgin child & cast her into the girth of your loins upon departure?


    These are among the mysteries which have evaded and plagued my mind into the wee hours of many a mornings.

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