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Posts posted by AS1606

  1. thanks htsoon.


    i have tried toppik and while it looks good in the crown, it doesn't work good for the frontal hairline in my experience. since dermmatch dyes the scalp, it works pretty good for the frontal area. i also like that i can apply dermmatch with a brush (full control) versus dumping out toppik where I definitely still need practice :rolleyes:


    Looking great!


    Just a question to the board. Would the use of toppik be appropriate (after 3 weeks or so) to help concela the ugly duckling phase? I myself am a heavy use of Toppik and am concerned about the recovery phase post HT?

  2. Fantastic insight mate!


    I live in Melbourne and am in the midst of discussions with Dr Bhatti for a HT in Dec.


    Advice on Seeking HT - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


    Will have some questions for you through the next few weeks mate.


    Was just wondering, now that u are 4 odd days in, how does the transplant area look? The reason I ask is, I was planning on visiting some family in Kolkata after the HT but didnt want to alarm grandmas and nephews with a Gory looking head


    Keep up the updates mate


    Much appreciated

  3. Thanks for all your advice and posts so far guys. Based on your comments, I have sent out consultation requests to about 6-7 of these Doctors and doing my due diligence on them. Dr Bhatti has responded quite quickly and responded with the following:


    "Dear Mr Ankur,


    You need a total of 4500 grafts- scalp and body inclusive.The hairline and midscalp shall need around 2500 scalp grafts for a good naturally dense looking hairline and side temples.

    The crown shall take another 1500-2000 scalp grafts.

    I can harvest 3000-3500 scalp grafts in one session and we can take beard grafts- 500 during the same session.

    If you wish to break the procedure of 4500 total grafts in 2, we can accomplish full cover after 6 months of the first procedure using 1500-1800 scalp grafts which we can harvest again from the scalp"


    Any Further thoughts or advice or queries I should be pursuing based on his reply? Once again appreciate your responses guys

  4. Thanks Guys. I will set up an online consultation with Dr Bhatia's office.


    Are there any more sources I could follow in finding out if FUT vs FUE would be suitable for me and what each can provide? If so are there any decent FUT clinics in Asia?


    I dont know how realistic attempting to cover the entire front and crown will be with my current state.

  5. Hi


    I am 30 years old and have been suffering extensive hair loss in the crown and now a receding hairline from the top. Over the past 4 years I have been attempting to hide this with considerable use of Toppik.


    Whilst I understand any restoration would be partial, given the amount of hair lost, I am seriously considering in going ahead with at least partial restoration in the front for a better hairline. I am at that age where I am now thinking now is the time to have a crack at it, given the demoralising and crippling effect it has on my mind everyday.


    Needed some advice on approach, Method (FUE vs FUT) for my hair, and possible reputable doctors in the Australia/Asia region. I hear a lot of positive feedback about Dr Bhatia in these forums, but don't know the appropriateness of FUE vs FUT in my case.


    I have attached some photos to this thread as well that I took on the weekend as well as another normal photo front on.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated








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