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Posts posted by nowah391

  1. 1,500 FUE Grafts without Epinephrine?

    I've consulted with four top docs in different regions. I have reasonably high pain threshold; needles don't bother me and I don't have vasovagal events at the sight of blood (or needles).


    I do, however, have an extreme sensitivity to Epi. For that matter, anything that quickly raises my pulse or heart rate triggers my own release/epic-adrenal-dump and subsequent panic-like symptoms, replete with sweating, drop in blood sugar, super-dry-mouth, heart rate of 150 and up to 200 ppm for 3-10 terrifying minutes. I'm left exhausted and emotionally worn.


    I can't and don't drink coffee, use any kind of stimulant. Sudafed gives me Arrhythmias. Fun stuff!


    I had several hundred "test" grafts placed a few years ago —*w/o Epi. It was comically painful during the process and at times I pleaded for more Lido. I had no pain post procedure. I'm assuming Lido has a short half life in a vascular area?


    The above test was in 2007. I would surmise techniques have gotten better?


    If you have a sensitivity to Epi, and have had an HT wherein you received epi either with lido or as part of tumescence, would you kindly hit me back as to your experience. I am only interested in FUE - not strip. I'm a NW4 and will need perhaps 3-4 sessions of 1,500 grafts to right this wrong.


    Is it (even) possible to have 1,500 FUE grafts placed without ANY epi?


    Two of the docs felt that it was not possible to manage this w/o Epi. I weigh approx. 165lbs and "might" hit my threshold of Lido before the end of said procedure.


    Welcome any thoughts!



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