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Jon B.

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Posts posted by Jon B.

  1. With all due respect...I have this almost a year. I am supposed to use my head and use sunblock ....as I love the sun...


    I love the beach...I love laying by the pool...I love driving around all summer long with the roof off my car...


    There is no fading and its about a year...If there ever was any fading....then I just have to schedule a touch up...which is no big deal money wise...Not that I think I'll need it...but if I did ...it clearly would cost so much less than buying courve roppik or just paying for haircuts...LOL I'd be way ahead of the game..


    As far as turning grey and having a problem..


    Guys...I mean this in the nicest way...you are over thinking this...


    There are many guys over the past year that have grey hair or getting or going grey after the service and it has no impact on the HIS MHT appearance..


    Please accept my apologies if you would rather not hear right from the horses mouth...aka the various clients and would rather make incorrect assumptions...


    I'm just a straight shooter..


    For those in the NY City area...the HIS office is having an open house aug 29th...where you can have a few drinks and meet the technicians and possibly a few of the previous clients..


    I'm not sure if I'm going to go...its between 11 am and 7 pm...all day...


    they are on 5th ave in NYC...on the tenth floor between I think 17th and 18th street..


    Check out there web site if you decide to go just to confirm the address..


    but I've met a ton of guys who were thinking of doing this HIS service and once we had a cup of coffee..they all booked their service...


    What I'm really trying to say is meeting the people in person who are the clients of this service is much better than BS'ing about it on the net..


    I'm not really meeting any more people for coffee any more because my wife is concerned I'm over doing it...etc...and she's right...but this open house idea is a great way to meet people who actually have had this done.


    I'm thinking of going to the open house aug 29th (wed) just because I like the people and their service really has made my life so much better..


    Again..its not a hair transplant so if you like long locks of hair..this HIS MHT is not for you...but if you like the idea of the short clean crisp look....HIS rocks..


    I'm happily married yet I get a ton of complements from both men and women who never know its a MHT process..


    guys...and gals.....this look is seamless.


    HOpe this helps and just so you know..I get an email notification everytime some one posts up so I hope you don't consider me a shill?


    I'm just a happy client whose dam pleased with the end results and would like to share the reality of the treatment rather than hearing about the negative from those who don't have the treatment and are hypothizing..(SP)


    No flame intended...just trying to open peoples minds to an alternative to hair transplants that really improved the quality of my life..


    Have a nice day.



  2. Hey All,


    Just a thought to share on the micropigmentation tatooing of the scalp vs. FUE. Like anything in hair restoration individual cases are very unique. Your natural hair and skin color can have a lot to do with if the tatooing is worthwhile. FUE in the instance describes seems like a better option providing that your test area show that donor hair harvesting in this procedure will be optimal for you. Always an evaluation by your hair restoration surgeon will be the best option in moving forward with your decision.



    Fue is if you want to grow hair. Micropigmentation is really for the short crisp shadow look....


    Looks awesome if you dig the short shadow look. If you prefer long flowing locks of hair...the FUE hair transplant is in my opinion a much much better way to go.


    The MHT really looks great with a closely shaved head...but as the surrounding hair grows for more than lets say 3 or 4 days ...the MHT loses its effectiveness and even someone as pro MHT as myself would suggest....MHT with surrounding hair growing for 4 days? you can see the difference...


    Like I suggested earlier if you want a shadow short crisp look...I'd say MHT is great..


    Want growing hair...FUE is the right choice to make.

  3. Hey All,


    Just a thought to share on the micropigmentation tatooing of the scalp vs. FUE. Like anything in hair restoration individual cases are very unique. Your natural hair and skin color can have a lot to do with if the tatooing is worthwhile. FUE in the instance describes seems like a better option providing that your test area show that donor hair harvesting in this procedure will be optimal for you. Always an evaluation by your hair restoration surgeon will be the best option in moving forward with your decision.



    Fue is if you want to grow hair. Micropigmentation is really for the short crisp shadow look....


    Looks awesome if you dig the short shadow look. If you prefer long flowing locks of hair...the FUE hair transplant is in my opinion a much much better way to go.


    The MHT really looks great with a closely shaved head...but as the surrounding hair grows for more than lets say 3 or 4 days ...the MHT loses its effectiveness and even someone as pro MHT as myself would suggest....MHT with surrounding hair growing for 4 days? you can see the difference...


    Like I suggested earlier if you want a shadow short crisp look...I'd say MHT is great..


    Want growing hair...FUE is the right choice to make.

  4. If your looking for a denial of being a shill than I'll make that denial..


    Often times in life you might meet up with someone who is just enthusiastic about an out of the box solution that changed his life.


    You might also find that person is the father of a severly autistic child, its a saturday and has time to post on the internet while his kid rocks and runs from one wall of the house to the other.


    Sure I took the kid to the health club today and had a personal trainer try and teach him to better himself and after that I took him to a special need horseback riding session and then took him to chinese food as he is on a special casien, gluten and corn free diet so the only food he can eat prepared in most resturants is steamed chicken and brocolli..


    and now that he's gone to sleep or during the day I post up about some out of the box solution for others to consider...with their "problem" male pattern baldness and you think I"m a shill?


    Why would I waste my time for any other reason of being a person who believes in karma...


    Doing good unto others and somewhere...somehow....good will be done unto me ...(or my loved ones)


    I'm sure its a foreign aspect to many people today....since for so many its all about what they can GET FOR THEMSELVES...



  5. Scalp micropigmentation has increased in popularity and generated a lot of discussion on this forum. Many may hear the phrase but may not be sure how the procedure works and what its advantages and disdvantages are. Thus, our forum co-moderator and assistant Editor Blake wrote an article on it and it's been published at:


    Hair Loss Treatment: Is Scalp Micropigmentation a Legitimate Hair Restoration Solution?


    What are your thoughts? Does anyone have any experiences with scalp micropigmentation they'd like to share?



    I did the micropigmentation with HIS back in oct 2011 and I'm thrilled with the results.


    I realize that hair transplants are a wonderful option for many people yet after researching HT and hearing that I needed 2 and possibly 3 hair transplants over a 2 or 3 year period at a cost of 12 to 15 thousand dollars a session and it wasn't for me...


    I have had nothing but positive comments about my new look and I no longer have to deal with courve or toppik...


    Care is easy...its basically shave with an electric rotary razor every day or two...takes about 2 minutes...


    If people want to look as if they have a full head of hair and decided to shave it off for that clean crisp look.. HIS MHT has been a great choice to make.


    Good luck deciding and again ..this is not a replacment for hair transplants...


    Its a really different solution to male pattern baldness that looks totally natural...

  6. Jon B, I watched your YouTube video-JB from New York. Three qestions--

    1) Are you a big Donald Trump fan?

    2) How long have you been employed by HIS?

    3) Does shilling for HIS pay well?



    Thanks for the laughs and I'm sorry that my positive insights insult you and make you feel distrustful.


    Good luck in your journey



  7. Just wanted to give you guys an update. I had the HIS service done back in oct 2011 in the NY city office and its been wonderful. A real life changing service and one I highly recommend.


    My suggestion is to meet up with someone local to you that has this service done. Meet them for a cup of coffee and decide for yourself.



  8. Im glad you understand where I'm coming from.. I was just trying to help you out..


    I hear what your saying about the idea of me talking less about the specific company and stay more focused on the process in general.


    let me be clear...when HIS was in europe only....and because of my severly handicapped child..I really didn't want to spend the time flying to europe and leaving my wife alone with this child..for 9 days....


    So I was searching a few of the companies that would have been easy to take him with me in the states....and it was pretty clear.....there were some questions with regards to the end result...with these NON HIS firms.. and that was holding me back..


    It had got to one point where I was thinking of flying out to europe for 3 or 4 days..coming home to be with my family and then flying back out for the last service even though my air fare costs would have doubled..


    My lovely wife was like....do what you think is right...


    I just didn't feel comfortable with some of the other companies already here in the states or ones that were flying in from austrailia for the week...to do the service and then leave....



    I sort of recommend one company because I am so satisfied ..with proven results.....its very low key...its a gentlemans service...absolutely no sales pressure at all and a ton of people who are happy with the work they've done.......To me....I would hate for someone to hear about it....and then go with a MHT process and just use another company than I did..and then was not be happy with the end result..


    Some other companies out there will take your money and if it doesn't turn out good...your in trouble...its your head!!! Everybody sees your head....so....forgive me for being so emphatic..


    Still I'll take your suggestion for the future and will let those who ask me about what company I prefer...


    Good luck with your journey



  9. Please accept my apologies..you were so nice when you suggested I post up photos of the work I had done at HIS...and then I got some compliments here...and then scar5 was asking repeatedly about possibly using this type of technique and I seen a thread about it on the other forum I belong to...I put a post on that other forum looking for the gentleman who used MHT to "fill in" with the only aim being to help Scar5..


    I don't work these guys....I'm not a consultant for them. I'm just a guy whose "paying it forward " so to speak...the cool new look I got and really it came from searching on nice forums like this one early on...


    So I'm just passing information along.


    For the gentleman who go with hair transplants I totally respect that and I even met some of the very well respected hair transplant doctors in the tri state area and although I chose to go another route....these well respected doctors...Dr. Feller, Dr. True ..(not so much the dr in englewood NJ) and even Dr. Epsiten who was willing to meet with me except we had a terrible snow store the week of our planned appointment. They were all three gentleman who told me straight that I would probably need more than one Hair transplant.. possibly three..


    At 52 years old...I'm not a movie star..I don't play one on tv.. When I had my full head of hair it wasn't flowing beautiful hair like so many people have.. It was a course hair type and I had to style it pretty much so it was a pain in the butt..


    Looking at 12 to 15 grand...and possibly three hair transplants meant 36 to 45 grand? and three years of my life... Even though I"m quite well off....and have the money laying around...it just wasn't for me when I considered the down time..


    I have a handicapped kid and I really didn't feel the entire possible Hair transplant process was for me..


    So I chose to go with this HIS MHT process.. and I'm happy..


    Again..I apologize for the link to another site.....I really did it as a favor to scar5 as we had been discussing this back and forth over time.. and I just wanted to try and help him..


    I happen to be one of those guys who often times can be referred to as a gentleman who goes the extra step and attempts to help another human being for no personal benefit...(I know in this crazy world we live in thats somewhat rare)


    Good luck with whatever path you guys take.. I hope my sincerity (SP) came through appropriately on this forum post and I totally understand what I have done is relatively out of the box type of solution that many will not chose for themselves.


    for those that do..always please feel free to contact me...because thinking back if it weren't for the few guys that did it for me when I was looking for a solution to my MPB...I wouldn't have found the solution that I did and I wouldn't be so happy with the end result..


    Have a nice day and thank you for understanding where I'm coming from.









    While you're more than welcome to share your genuine experience on the forums, please keep in mind that we do not host outside links or promotional material of any nature.


    Furthermore, all members with an affiliation to a hair restoration organization (e.g. consultant for a hair restoration clinic) need to include this information in their discussion forum signature.



  10. here's the link..I couldn't find it but one of the other members who I asked was nice enough to find it for you.


    I hope this gives insight to your question...


    Its a gentleman with longer hair that used MHT from HIS to give him the look he wanted which I think is similiar to what you are asking for?


    **link removed by Moderator**

  11. I've been looking and I can't find the photos and the story of the guy who had long hair and just used the MHT process to fill in areas..


    I remember it was on the site and I posted up a thread in case any of the other guys remember the thread..


    If you can..its best to just call the guys who work for HIS and they probably can find an answer for you faster than I can..


    I got a headache trying to use that search feature..LOL I tried for you buddy!


    Have a nice day.



  12. Scar5,


    On the HIS site if you look there were gentlemen who had much longer hair than I do and they used the HIS service to do exactly what you are describing.


    I read it but don't remember where on the HIS site.. so its best to contact the HIS guys directly...


    If I come across it again...I'll post up for you...but again...if you just asked them...they can probably direct you right to that particular case etc..


    One thing to consider........is the MHT type service truly is often times best served with the hair style shown throughout the site..


    My advice is to be very careful of businesses that promise you the service you are looking for without first seeing a pattern of success first hand.. and having a personal consultation.


    In totally different areas of life....my suggestion is to remember its always easy to have a business sell you something....but another thing to actually have them deliver what you are paying for.


    For the hair style that I have.. the HIS service has delivered for me without question.


    For what you are asking for....I' believe you need to speak directly with the HIS personel....so they could better direct you.


    I did see a case study where they had the guy with hair probably 3 inches long on his head...and he used the HIS service in certain areas to get better density....and coverage....


    Its not the norm as most guys are higher up on the norwood scale with greater balding issues.. who then use HIS service MHT for that short hair shaved head look..


    If I find it over at their website I'll let you know..I recently found the search feature on their website so maybe I'll give it a shot for you.

  13. My pleasure to help out another person who is questioning what they should do with regards to their options of male pattern baldness.


    I would suggest I'm pleased with the HIS service and the end result that I have come back to the various forums where I found some information on the process so that others could have a more direct link to gather information and make a decision..


    Like I mentioned earlier...hair transplants are right for certain individuals..as might HIS MHT for others.


    I happen to fall in the camp where I just didn't want to go for the 2 or 3 hair transplants to achieve what I wanted....I am forever grateful for the honest hair transplant doctors who I met with who gave me open answers to realistic results for me..


    I took that information and although I went a different route....I repect the doctors I met with and understand that for some people the treatment process might be more immediate.


    I have a handicapped child that I just didn't feel I wanted to focus on myself for several years worth of hair transplants..


    I believe I made the right decision for myself.


    That crazy bastard of a kid is up since 4:30 am this morning which is why I've taken a few minutes to post up a response to this thread so early in the Am..


    With HIS... I have a completely undetectible hair line that just looks like I personally chose to keep my hair short.


    Good luck deciding what is best for you.



  14. Scar man..


    I don't know what your talking about. Your sort of making up your own assumptions and I don't personally have the answers for you.


    My suggestion is if your looking for answers....to speak with, have consultations with and meet clients who have had similiar desires...Ie. Long hair and want to get scar coverage..


    I'm not that guy because I didn't have scars so I can't answer your question.


    I can tell you the HIS service exceeded expectations along with just about every other client that posts up on that HIS forum. Your better off asking your questions to those guys or better yet...have a consultation via skype and then in person with the HIS people..


    Again..please accept my apologies...I don't know anything really about scar work because I don't have any scars and didn't do the research..


    Tons of guys have scar resolution with HIS but you really need to communicate directly with the HIS staff via consultation ..


    Good luck in deciding if you want to spend the coin to cover a scar thats already been covered with hair....



  15. Its never proper to speak poorly of any particular firm. I'd rather chose to praise the company that I went with.


    I realize it not as juicy but I can say its the best way to avoid some nonsensical internet forum flame war.


    Its not as much fun etc...but its really the manner in which I would prefer to travel.

  16. THanks for your insights and believe me I'm not taking any of these questions in a bad way. Sometimes typing rather than speaking tends to send off the wrong inflection...


    I would suggest if your searching out firms to use ...to do a rather exhaustive search where you speak to and met with various individuals of each of the client base..


    I almost got involved with companies.. that I'd rather not mention....that didn't really offer the level of expertise or the level of service I was looking for. I'd rather just say... I'm glad I chose the company I did.


    Chose wisely as its really a personal life decision whats most important for you... .. is all I can say. Do your research and I am sure there are great companies out there. I do know there are also companies that are not quite so good so do your research wisely my friends.


    Look at the various results in real life that meet your expectations would be a good start.


    Don't do anything until you feel comfortable...


    I hope this helps.

  17. "The pigment boom is already letting blood, and the first casualties should be clinics posting dodgy pictures of 'other clinics' work or perhaps claiming them as their own. Oh..well. I hope DHT survives."



    What does pigment boom is already letting blood mean?


    The process is fine and DHT purposely set up an argument to get the attention of the owner of the company to respond to the nonsense that AC did with regards to making false claims etc..


    DHT is now a very respected member of the forum and that is why I suggested you look at his research with regards to scar work...


    I don't have any scars so I referred you to DHT as he is on the quest to find a scar repair for himself.


    I dont really care if every person gets Micro hair process as long as they are happy. With having used couvre and toppik for over a dozen years... I feel pretty free and its cool to talk about it as well so let me just suggest the cool part of MHT is not the secret but rather the frame that it gives the individual's face who goes for it. Obviously it needs to look real...and thats where picking the right practice comes in..


    I'm not going to go through the negative occurences that I had dealing with headstyle (austrailia) or one other company in the southern part of the United States......as ...I'd rather just discuss how rewarding my personal experience has been in the past month..


    I don't know what you are saying with Eh EM...so please feel free to clarify.


    You and several other members asked for the photos and my story of what I've done and I've given them to you and others on this forum openly.


    Remember originally I just came back here to let you guys know I was happy with the HIS service Ijust had..................and just suggested you check out my blog over their of the entire experience which I"m kind of proud of.


    I opened up and gave 150 percent to delving into what my impressions were and what my insights were..

  18. I would suggest strongly that I chose HIS MHT organization for a reason. The nearly 10 year reputation to meet and exceed expectations and the results are long lasting so my suggestion would be to always consider that factor in making your decision.


    The world wide staff across the globe with HIS is intensively trained to do this work and that training makes it such that no one is allowed to work without completing the apprenticeship where with their mentor working alongside they gain the knowledge and ability to properly achieve client satisfaction. There is a reason for this. Meeting and exceeding client expecations is a key element to HIS business ethic.


    The HIS lnks last a many many years so again I tend to think the information you are repeating is inaccurate. In addition to that.. clients always have the option of going for changes in shape or shade or just maintaince if need be. I tend to believe you are getting incorrect information so I hope I'm assisting you find the actual information.


    Still I recommend going to the company representatives to gather facts from them. I did my research and I feel completely comfortable with my choice.


    I hate to go on and on about this fine company so I suggest anyone considering micro pigmentation that they at the very least spend some time on the HIS forum to get a good indication of what to expect in this area of resolving MPB..



    I'm sure there are companies out there that might do a fine job. I would just suggest speaking to and meeting with other clients to gather real information. Once you do that you will know what the right choice to make.


    Good luck in whatever you decide.


    Since I've had such wonderful experiences with HIS in NYC...and while I was there..there was another gentleman from the mid west who would fly in and stay in a hotel. If you are asking my recommendation...? I recommend who this gentleman chose as did I for a reason.


    Do your research and consider spending time on various vendors website and forums. Meet people in person who have had each companies service. That will be among your best way to decide what to do..


    I know it might be difficult but this is something you are going to live wth for quite some time.



  19. thanks! I appreciate your complements. I realize its not for everyone and I never thought it would be for me...but Ithought it was something I would go for and lo and behold..I really like it.


    At 52 I'm very pleased. My wife likes it too.


    Its certainly not the flowing locks of a hair transplant yet for me...it worked out quite well this month.


    Thanks again for the complements.



  20. Scar5


    Thanks for the well wishes and the compliments. I'm real happy with the end results. I didn't even realize at the time how annoying my life had become over the 12 years or so of using couvre and toppik...


    For the time that I used it..it was a god send...and it worked great...


    I just have to say without needing it any more ...my life is sooo much easier.


    As far as the franchise info based on the HIS website...Although it may be something down the road or it might in fact be used to more easily open global offices...for what its worth..I really did not get the impression this was a franchise operation.


    I don't know if its a future plan...or an easier way to create new businesses around the globe but at the several visits I had during the three step process etc... I'm a pretty friendly and open person and I really got the impression from the technicians that worked on my head etc...that Ian Watson and his partner were in fact the owners of the global business they are building.


    That doesn't mean down the road there could not be changes of course because if someone offers you enough money...I"m sure you would in fact sell your personal business should be in that position.. .... I have a feeling its a feeler on their website because the amount of information I got from the techs was that this is a family owned business type venture.


    Enough of that nonsense because as a client...I'm more interested in the work that they did and even though I don't have any scars ...I think they do that work.....


    One of the guys I met in April of 2010 was living in NY city....and he was nice enough to meet with me...and even though I was curious about how it looked in real life.....he looked great... and did talk about his large Hair transplant scar on the back of his head...


    He was quite proud of the new hairline as his HT didn't work out well....and the coverage of his scar...which was pretty well hidden on him.. As a guy without a scar at the time myself...I didn't notice the scar and again politely listened to his total satisfaction ....about the entire job...


    I mainly was listening to the hairline created on top though....and I'm being honest about that.


    Everyone should definitely chose the path that is best for them. I just wanted to let some of the guys down the road who might google words in this thread to know....I personally had the HIS clinic service and it exceeded my expectations.


    NO ONE CAN TELL and it really looks like I made the personal choice to shave my hair down to the length it is.. which I am glad I did..


    Depending on where people live...I recommend meeting up with people who had this type of service.. hopefully seeing before and after photos from a free consult too if your looking for scar work correction.. (which I don't really know much about)


    there is a popular gentleman on several balding forums who is over at the HIS forum looking to find a resolution for his scars ...Maybe you guys know him. He's very proud of being on various balding forums for over 10 years.. He's a little rough around the edges but he seems be sincere in his quest for scar work resolution. Maybe you guys know his forum ID as I don't even know his real name... its DHT assassin..if that helps

  21. I was watching tv with my wife and decided what the hell..I'll post a few photos..


    I created an album with only a few photos but I believe it will begin to show the value of this Micropigmentation process that I had done at the HIS clinic in New York City. (they just opened this office this month but have offices all around the globe and despite what Scar5 typed in..I did not get the impression this was a franchise. I got more of a feeling that this was a single entity owned by the two nice people and then they had a lot of well trained staff around the globe..)


    As a client ...I can only state that I am super pleased with the end result and the service I recieved at HIS getting this done.


    For those shopping various choices all I am suggesting is check these guys out as I'm digging this new look.


    Hope this helps any of you guys looking for a solution to male pattern baldness.


    This is not to say hair transplants aren't a great option for many...and the same for other companies etc. that might be out there. I just did my research...decided what was best for me...and have had a successful and pleasant experience that met and exceeded my expectations..!


    I am so glad I can dump that couvre and toppik rountine..I'm dancing on the moon! The freedom is awesome so please accept my apologies if I sound too happy!


    Its a cool look...no maintaince.. and all I do in the morning is brush my teeth, wash my face and I'm out the door! I don't have to worry that the pillow case has smudges on it from the couvre and toppik because I NEVER HAVE TO USE THAT STUFF AGAIN!!!


    Please be considerate of your opinions of my few photos. I'm just a guy like you guys...sharing and not really looking for a hassle. I just want guys who might be in the future in a similiar position as me...to not have to work as hard to decide whats the right thing for them.


    I hope this makes sense. Have a nice evening...and like I said....there are tons of great ways to go. Never just one right answer for everyone..


    Good luck



  22. I'm back...from taking the kid to basketball. ...I thought about it and there is literally 7 pages or 194 posts on the thread ..you can see it by going to Jon's case study...


    I'd prefer not to post my photos up and I am sure you can understand..


    If your interested all my impressions and my photos are up .again..just if your interested...


    Maybe as time goes on...I'll be less shy about posting photos...but for right now..I didn't want to post photos of myself all over the net if you get my drift.


    I'm just trying to help those who might consider this as an alternative option when weighing in on whether to do nothing...to do a hair transplant...or possibly this kind of cool option that I chose.



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