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Posts posted by Fritzerik

  1. Hey mate,

    I know what you feel. Getting bald in a young age sucks so much. I'm 21 and a NW3.5V, I'd say. Thanks god my hair loss has stabilized since last year when I got on propecia. I'm planning to have my HT next year.

    Keep us updated and good luck :)

    Your hair looks good in these last pics, btw

  2. As long as you plan a long-term strategy for your hairloss, then I don't think there is a "too young". Just make sure you do your research, get an estimate of how many grafts you might lose in the future, and plan how best to use them with a good surgeon. Take it from me, I'm 26 and should have gone for HT at least 3 years ago and wouldn't be in the situation I am now. This hits you hardest when you are a young guy, and I feel I've wasted the last few years worrying about something which could have been fixed. As long as you are smart about it, and 100% sure you want to do it, then don't hesitate (nor rush into it) ...the sooner you reach a decision and claim your life back, the better you will feel!


    Hey mate,

    Many thanks for the advice. :)

    Yes, I'm wasting my time being worried with that problem, I wish I could fix it as soon as possible and live my life without thinking about it.


    Would you guys reccomend the HT only to fix the hairline? Or do you think it would be fine to save some grafts for the crown as well?

  3. Dr Blake,


    Thanks for your reply.


    I won't go through all my story, but my hair loss had a huge impact on my life. I've been balding since 17 and decided to get on propecia and rogaine only last year, at the age of 20. I was almost a NW4. I had some regrowth on the crown, but nothing that really made me happy. My hair loss seems to be stabilized tho.


    As I'm too young to have a HT, I was thinking that maybe I could take a stronger drug for regrowth, helping to reduce the pain of all this issue, until I don't have a HT.


    Any thoughts?

  4. Hey guys,

    I'd love to know if any of you guys had any experience with a low dose of oral minoxidil (Loniten). I don't think I'll get much more regrowth from propecia and I'm def not a great responder to rogaine, so I was thinking that maybe a low dose (nothing above 5mg) could give me some regrowth so I would be ok to wait a little bit more to have a hair transplant, since I'm only 21 yo . I'd also take it for less than a year and of course I'd speak with my doctor before doing that.


    Do you guys think I can get good results with a daily dose of 5mg?

    Are the side effects really strong?



  5. Hey guys, I'm back.

    I'd love to know if any of you guys had any experience with a low dose of oral minoxidil (Loniten). I don't think I'll get much more regrowth from propecia and I'm def not a great responder to rogaine, so I was thinking that maybe a low dose (nothing above 5mg) could give me some regrowth so I would be ok to wait a little bit more to have a hair transplant. I'd also take it for less than a year and of course I'd speak with my doctor before doing that.


    Do you guys think I can get good results with a daily dose of 5mg?

    Are the side effects really strong?



  6. I think it depends on the degree of loss you are experiencing.obviously if your a nw2 at early 20,s ur better of going on mens but if you are nw4-5 I'd say you would be a candidate. doesn't matter if your in your early 20,s or 75 all depends on the degree of hair loss. imo anyway.



    Yeah, I'd be happy with a NW2 or even a solid NW3. And I'm far from being a NW4-5, that's why I really don't know what to do.

  7. In my opinion it is too young. You might be fine with yourself in a few years. Have you ever tried shaving your head to see how it looks?


    Yes, I've tried. It looks really weird because I have a very youth face. I I definitely look better with my hair.


    I thought that maybe if I stay on propecia for the next 7 years it would be ok to have a FUE and shave my head at my 30's. I think even with my head shaved it would look better if I had a transplant done because I'd have a drawn hairline.

  8. Fritzerik,




    Generally speaking, performing hair transplants on guys in their early 20's is not a good idea. However, the issue is far from black and white. Under certain conditions, a very young man such as you may be suitable for surgical hair restoration but, without sharing photos and details of your family history of balding, you won't get very valuable advice online.


    You've done the right thing by medically stabilizing your hair loss. Is the doctor you mentioned a hair transplant surgeon? If not, I suggest consulting with some reputable hair restoration clinics. There is certainly no harm in doing so.


    You can locate recommended physicians worldwide with our interactive map. You can also schedule free online consultations if you like.


    The best advice I can give you is to be very cautious. Do your research, consult with a number of skilled and ethical doctors and weigh out their advice carefully. Don't rush into anything.


    By the way, your English is excellent!



    Hey David,

    No one is really bald on my family expect my grandfather (from my mother's part of the family), who is a NW6. I think I'm thinning in the NW5 area with receding hair line.


    The doctor I mentioned isn't a surgeon but works with a great surgeon in my city. I've seen his work before and I know I'm in good hands. The doctor I mentioned is responsable for my pharmacological treatment.


    And yes, I don't want to really rush, but at the same time, I don't want to waste my time thinking about my hair anymore, and not living the life how I'd to live. I'd like to speak with someone who had gone through the same situation as me and had a hair transplant. How they feel now, how they felt when they first saw the results.

  9. Do you have any pics?


    Have you familiarized yourself with some of the best masking agents?


    Can speak from personal experience---products like toppik, couvre/dermatch saved me for 3 yrs+ and will soon again post op. They really can help buy you some time and minimize frustration. With practice you can see some nice aesthetic gains in the meantime.


    Yes, I am.

    I use toppik everyday and I've just ordered a dermmatch to see how it works.

    Many thanks for the advices.


    I can send you some pics by pvt msg.

  10. Hey Guys,

    I'm 21 years old and I've been balding since the age of 16-17 years old.

    Last year, I decided to get on propecia and rogaine because I couldn't stand my hair loss anymore, I was a NW3.5V at the time. I've been on this treatment for about 14 months and my hair loss seems to be stabilized (I even had a nice regrowth on the crown area). I go every 3 months to see my doctor and compare before and after pictures, and my hair keeps getting better.

    I won't go through all my story, but my hair issues had a huge impact on my life.

    I'm planning to stay on propecia for at least 7, 8 years and have a hair transplant to solve this big problem.


    Do you guys think it would be a bad idea to go for a transplant in such a young age?


    Any young patients out there who want to share their stories?


    I apologise my bad english, but I haven't spoken English in a very long time.



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