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Posts posted by Baldy234

  1. Hi gillenator,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Funny enough, I began scouting my family members the last few day after noticing this. Haha

    My dad, mid sixties, has no indication of this thinning around the sides or back, just same pattern of baldness on top as myself.


    My older brother, 40, has show signs of thinning at sides and nape alright, doesn't seem as bad as mine though at all, unless I notice it more cause my hair is grown out. his hair cut is shorter than mine. He actually has pretty good coverage on top apart from a slight bald spot on the crown.


    I did notice the other day that my mum has patchy hair at the sides, similar to mine.

    Think she has thinning at the nape too.

    Overall, I think my loss at present is a lot more severe than hers, giving the age difference.

    Only noticed this as we were out walking and got caught in a shower. Her hair was soaking.

    When her hair is dry, it otherwise looks quite thick, full and totally no signs of hair loss.


    Can't comment on her dad as he died before my time but going on pics if him, he had a full head of hair.


    It's as though I got dads baldness on top and mums patchy hair loss everywhere else.

    Double whammy

  2. Hey all, first time poster.

    Recently let my hair grow out the past four or so months and only discovered I have lost a truly monumental amount of hair from the sides and nape area.

    The top is destroyed fair enough but the only thing that was keeping me sane was the fact that I could someday remedy this with a HT, considering the amount of donor hair I thought I had.

    I had planned on visiting Dr. Devroye in Belgium in the future as lots of people seemed delighted with him.

    Don't know how I have failed to notice this before now but there you go.

    I have posted pics of sides and back. It's hard to tell how far this baldness had infiltrated upwards because the hair started to get so thick I couldn't see as much scalp as in the pics ive attached.

    Funny thing is you'd never know about the hair loss when my hair is brushed down as normal... For now anyway.

    Am I a bad candidate for a HT now I guess I guess I'd like to know?

    What type of baldness do I even have?

    Sorry about the length of post and thanks in advance..

    I just don't know where I stand now. This is just horrible.


    PS.. Will post pics











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