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Posts posted by tysonjames123

  1. Hey everyone! On August 27 I had a 1500 neograft FUE transplant done. I haven't been to the barbershop since.


    When they shaved my head for the procedure, they didn't exactly even it out so my remaining hair has grown in a bit uneven. I would like to get my sides buzzed down and have the buzz on the sides fade to the top. But I'm still afraid to take a buzzer or scissors to my head. Is it safe yet?


    Also, I don't believe any of the transplanted hair has grown in yet. Is this normal?

  2. Hi everyone. I had my 1500 fue procedure done on August 27.


    With the exception of some itchiness, I am healing nicely and all scabs are gone. I do have a few questions, however.


    1) When can I shower under the shower head? I'm still using the cup method.

    2) When can I go back to Head and Shoulders or another more regular shampoo? I'm still using baby shampoo.

    3) When can I take clippers AND/OR a buzzer to my hair? (I actually want to because the hair that they left long has now grown to be completely disproportionate to all the hair that was shaved down, so it's been getting awkward to manage. I rather just buzz it all down to the same level and let it all grow from there.)

    4) If I can't yet buzz or cut it, can I at least use hair gel to tame it? Or is it still too early for styling gel/product?

    5) When can I work out intensively and get a good sweat going again?



  3. Hey guys. I know I ask a lot of questions on this forum but I'm trying to be careful with this whole thing. If you can answer the two questions below, I would greatly appreciate it. And I would like feedback from multiple people so I can get several perspectives.


    So on Day 13 post op of a 1500 fue transplant, I went to my doctor and the nurse told me it was time to be more aggressive with shampooing my hair so I can remove the scabs. I had (and still am) doing the cup method in the shower with baby shampoo. She told me to massage the recipient area until the scabs loosened and came off. Almost every scab had little hairs with it. My concern is... What if they weren't just scabs that fell off? What if grafts were with them? Would I know? Is it obvious to tell if you lose a graft? Again, this was at day 13 when I started massaging my scalp to loosen and remove scabs.


    I'm currently at day 19 post op. My scalp is still a little "numb feeling" in places and it's a little itchy at times. Is this normal? And tonight I accidentally went under the shower head. I immediately pulled back once I did. Am I ok?

  4. Thanks for all the quick replies. One last question... before when you said "totally secure," how secure are we talking? Secure enough that the rubbing I did (and have to continue to do) won't ruin anything or cause me to lose transplanted grafts? At this point what would it take to hurt the grafts/ruin the work done during the procedure?

  5. Hi everyone. Today I went to my doctor who performed my 1500 FUE Neograft procedure. I am 13 days post-op. I still have little tiny scabs all over my head. The nurse instructed me to begin washing my hair by rubbing the palms of my fingers in tiny little circles on my scalp in order to loosen and remove the scabs. She said if I don't remove the scabs, the hair could become ingrown. So I did as I was told... and I noticed a lot of scabs started to come off and almost every scab contained tiny little hair(s).


    How do I know if I'm not rubbing too hard? How do I know if I'm not doing damage? I know they said some tiny little hairs would shed, but something about this is making me nervous. The grafts are ok at this point, right? Did I just ruin the entire thing? Now that I've removed some scabs, I'm seeing more bare scalp...

  6. Thanks man. I think I'm overly cautious and paranoid. I'm checking my head multiple times a day in a mirror.


    I have two more questions that I would like to be answered.


    1) I still have scabs on my head. Is that normal? And it looks like some of them are getting a little crusty/white. Should I be concerned?


    2) How easy it for grafts to fall out or get damaged? And how would I know if they do? I'm asking because I'm with friends, and earlier today one of my buddies patted me on the head a few times, forgetting that I had surgery. Is it possible he ruined my doctor's work?? Again, this is day 9 post op for me.

  7. Hey guys. I'm 9 days post-op now from my 1500 graft FUE transplant. This morning when I woke up I found a few little things lik this on my pillow. One had a tiny little hair attached to it. Did I do something wrong? Am I losing grafts? Or is this just dead skin? I know a shedding period eventually occurs, but this soon??


    Today I have to spend some time outside in the sun. I'll be wearing a hat. My doctor said it is ok as long as I do. But now I'm nervous wearing the hat all day is going to cause problems.


  8. Hi everyone. On Thurs (8/27) I had a neograft FUE hair transplant done. 1500 grafts. I went back to my doctor today (6 days after surgery) for light therapy and he said I was healing very nicely and everything looks great. I asked him several questions about what I can and can't do. He gave me the following "go aheads," and I just wanted to see what you all thought. (I figure it can't hurt to get a second opinion... I'm just trying to be careful.)


    • He said I can resume working out at the gym since I'm not bleeding anymore and everything looks good.
    • He said I don't have to sleep at a 45 degree angle anymore, and I can sleep on my side if I wanted to.
    • I finished all prescribed medications. He said I can resume taking things like aspirin, aleve, etc. if I need to. Is that true?
    • He said I can resume washing my hair normally (with my fingers and sticking my head under the showerhead) in 4 days... (that would make 10 days after my procedure.)
    • I'm going to the beach with some friends this weekend. He said I can go on the beach as long as I wear a hat and don't submerge my head in water.
    • He gave me the green light to drink alcohol this weekend. (I drink responsibly. I'm not going to go crazy and risk bumping my head, but I would like to engage in social drinking if it's ok.)


    What do you guys think? I would really appreciate feedback on each item! I'm anxious to get back to the gym and lift some weights! And I would love to be able to drink with my friends and get a bit of a buzz this weekend, but not if it means ruining the work that was done on me.


    Two more things... today when I was at work, my supervisor came up to me and brushed her hand on top of my head and said, "You shaved off your hair!" It didn't hurt or anything when she did it, and there was no bleeding and it didn't seem like anything fell out. What are the odds she damaged some grafts?


    And lastly... I still feel tingling on my scalp at points. Is that normal? And what anti-inflammatory do you recommend I take to reduce some swelling since I've finished my prescription medication? I don't have a lot of swelling, but some around my eyes. Is aleve good?

  9. Hi everyone. I'm a 28 year old caucasian male. On Thursday, 8/27, I got a neograft procedure (FUE) done. They shaved my sides and the back of my head down to a zero. I got 1500 grafts transplanted to the top of my head and near the temples by the front of my hairline.


    I've been following my post op care very carefully. I've taken all the medications I've been prescribed, I've been icing above my eyes and over my eyebrows, and I've been spraying the grafts with the provided saline solution. On Friday, the day after my surgery, when I went for the post op check up, they said everything was healing well.


    Yesterday (Saturday evening), I removed the bandage and dressing from the donor area and applied bacitracin (as directed by my doctor). Today (Sunday), I showered for the first time, also as directed by my doctor. Here is my concern...


    For showering, they told me to mix baby shampoo and water into a bowl and pour the bowl over my head. (They said not to stand directly under the showerhead as the streaming water could remove the grafts.) I did what I was told. I mixed baby shampoo (maybe too much) into a bowl of water, and then I poured the mixture over my head. Then, I poured another bowl of straight water over my head to rinse. After I got out of the shower, I felt as though some shampoo still remained. (I'm not exactly sure... my hair just feels stiff now... like I put hair gel in it.) I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to pour more water over my head, because what if too much water pouring causes the grafts to dislodge?


    One last question... last night, while I was asleep, I woke up and caught myself gently scratching one of the sites where I had hair transplanted. As soon as I caught myself, I stopped. But I'm scared that I ruined the grafts in that area...


    How easily can these grafts get removed post surgery? Am I overthinking it? Can I rinse my head again with a bowl of water or is doing that too many times in one day too risky?

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