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Posts posted by anwayne

  1. Originally posted by Nick84:

    Hi guys. I was wondering whether I could have some advice regarding the area in the back of the head, close to a cow lick I have(my hairdresser said they're actually two of them).


    I've always had thick and dense hair and I have no signs of receding hairline at the front, but over the past few days I've been stressing about the back of my head, that I may be actually going bald. My hairdresser told me that I have two cowlicks close to each other but I wanted to have another opinion from here.


    Two pictures taken a few days ago, with longer hair:






    And these two were taken today, after my haircut(my hair is not completely dry here):






    In most of the pics I uploaded I kinda separated the strands so I could get a clearer shot of the area - normally the hair there tends to stick up because of the cowlick(s).


    So what do you guys think?


    Many thanks in advance.


    I started to go bald when I was in my teens, it looks like you could be starting but it still could be just your spirals in your hair. If you are really worried email me and I can give you a place to go and products I use. I don't want to be accused of spam. See you then.

  2. Originally posted by Edwin1111:


    I am curious not about how long it takes to see effects when using Provillus. I have heard good reviews on this. But I have heard nothing on whether you can stop taking Provillus after you are happy with the results, or if you must continue to use it? Basically, is hair going to go back to its normal thinning if you quit using it? Thanks.


    Provillus does have Minoxidil in it, look in the ingredients.

  3. Originally posted by Irishgirl:

    Hi there, has anyone heard of this? I came across it when I was researching natural remedies for "Female" hair loss. These are the active ingrediants;


    Ingredients Amount per Serving %Daily Value**

    Biotin 600mcg 200

    Zinc(as Zinc Picolinate) 15mg 100

    Copper 3mg 150

    DL-Methionine 500mg *

    Saw Palmetto(Serenoa repens) Berry Extract(yielding 162 mg plant sterols (free fatty acids)) 360mg *

    Methylsulfonylmethane(MSM) 200mg *

    L-Cysteine 200mg *

    Grape Seed Extract(yielding 190 mg proanthocyanidins) 200mg *

    Equisetum Arvense(Horse Tail Rush) 100mg *

    Pygeum africanum(yielding 1.87 mgs plant sterols 75mg *

    Beta Sitosterol 75mg *

    Gamma Linolenic Acid(GLA) 50mg *

    Stinging Nettle(Urtica dioica) Root Extract 50mg *

    DIM(DIM is a proprietary blend of Diindolylmethane, Vitamin E(d-alpha tocopheryl succinate), and Phosphatidylcholine 50mg *

    Green Tea(yielding 15 mg EGCG) 50mg *


    If you have heard of it, have you used it, is it any good??


    Thanks, S


    There is a product out there that has good stuff in it for female hair loss. They work with male and female baldness. I use this product myself and have seen good results, but I'm a man, but I'm sure you could have great results also using the product for women.

  4. Originally posted by Alexa H.:

    Well,Mike,Keywords would be wigs,lace wigs,toupee,invisible hairline,front lace wigs.

    For more info,go to:



    If you want to know what keywords people look under, you can use Googles free keyword tool, Yahoo has on aswell. There is also Wordtracker. Hope this helps.

  5. Originally posted by jonjon71:

    Hello everyone --

    This is my first posting, and I'm hoping you guys can give me some guidance. I'm 35 years old, and my hair has started thinning notably over the last three months. The hairline is starting to move back pretty fast, and I am not too happy. My dermatologist gave me a prescription for Propecia, but I have very mixed feelings about using it. Prostate cancer runs in my family, and there's a high probability that I will get it. Although Propecia/Proscar is thought to reduce the overall risk of prostate cancer, it actually increases the risk of developing a high-grade prostate cancer in those people who go on to get the disease. I do not want to take this risk. I see all sorts of reports (good and bad) about supplements like Procerin, Follicare, Hair Genesis, etc., and I don't know what to believe. Are there any other options when Propecia is not possible? Any advice will be most appreciated! Thanks!


    I can feel your pain. I'm also 35 and I don't like the side effects they give also. I don't want to get in trouble here but I have been using a product from this website and I have seen nice results with it.


    Take a look here www.provillushairgrow.com


    Its a all natrual hair product so it will not have all the bad side effects. Good luck

  6. Originally posted by Crash McLarson:

    Well as you've probably already gathered I'm 19 years old and my hair is going. Male pattern baldness is genetic in my family and hit early. I've got a pretty noticeable bald spot and my hairline's getting worse and worse; I've started wearing a hat more often on windy days so it doesn't become to embarrassingly noticeable. I take propecia but it isn't really doing anything. I wanna look into a hair transplant, but are there any significant risks to getting one at such a young age?


    I know how you feel. I started losing my hair around the same age. I'm lucky though that it did not fall out to fast.


    Good luck to you and I hope you find your solution soon.

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