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Posts posted by smash1407

  1. Hi


    I know this is mainly about restoration but i feel i need to share my story


    So 5 or 6 years of hair loss - i am 27 - NW5


    I have been using nanogen for 3-4 years - and in the time i lost hair on my crown so no one had seen my bald patch underneath it - EVER! i was so scared to every show it to anyone


    So for 2-3 years i was dying to shave my head to get over it, and i couldn't do it so i looked in to HT's to fix this.


    My main concern was - why should i have to pay 10K for a HT when there is so many lads who A


    A = Shave their head and get over it

    B = Lads who have a full head of hair and don't have to go through this.


    So this was my main issue - i know HT's are mind blowing but part of me just think its wrong to have to pay to fix what you have been given in your destiny. Yes you get jealous of people with a full head of hair but the reality is - its tough s**t really, we are a group of people feeling down about what has happened to us.


    So anyway - after speaking to so many people on here who told me to try it, and after going through some incredibly bad depression i decided that if i am going to get a HT then i have to try a shaved head first at least. i really didnt want a HT for the reasons stated above so i beleived i should explore my options


    Anyway last night i shaved my head at 6pm - and i will tell you now i sat and cried for 2-3 hours - i was in a state - after hiding under topic/nanogen for so many years i could finally see the extent of my hair loss


    My friends came round and their first impressions were - WTF! then they was like....this actually looks amazing on you....


    Thye gave me some confidence and off we went out on a night out - i started to feel better.


    Bumped in to a huge number of people i know and this was the big shock - Half the people didn't even noticed i had shaved my head - other half said oh you have shaved you r head.


    how ever not one single person said - when did you lose all your hair, no one, sharply enough i started to grow some confidence and quickly! before i knew it a knew me had come out of the word work - i soon became to not care what people thought and my confidence grew.


    I then noticed a girl who was dancing with SOOOO much confidence... she was a 5/10 at best...,and there was a girl sat next to her who was an 8 out of 10...


    I soon noticed the 5/10 was getting more attention then the other girl, and it i started to become attracted to her too and then i realised it was because she was confident....moral of this story is that YOUR confidence outlines your over all attraction. and having my head shaved and feeling more confident made me probably more attractive too.


    Before i knew it i was approaching girls, chatting them up, having a good laugh and luckily enough i took one home too - something i couldnt do before because i was petrified of her running her hands through my hair and ending up with black all over them(cos of the topik) and another because i was petrified of waking up next to a girl with black all over my pillow and massive patches were the nanogen/topik had fallen out... NOW this wasnt a problem - i just didnt care about these things anymore.


    i went from being depressed as ever, down, miserable to feeling on top of the world in the space of 6 hours. my depression was that bad i was receiving anti depressants as well as counselling.


    I strongly encourage anyone who wants a HT to shave their head and try it - Most of you will not want to shave your head because you are scared of what people think. but i am telling you now your confidence will shoot through the roof and you will become more of an attractive person to girls.



    If this post encourages just one person to shave their head then i served my purpose of it, i wanted to share with you guys what a difference it has made to me and hopefully it can do the same to you.

  2. what are parietal humps sorry?


    my thoughts were to try fill out my crown initially and thicken my top / front.


    Hairline - i need to be realastic and learn i cant do much with the number of grafts i need


    ideally i would like to just fill in the V bits in between my hairline a little.


    My goals are to make my self look younger really, i am 27 but people think i am 35.


    HTsoon i will drop you a PM - thank you for your support - and thank you all for a response

  3. In my opinion, smash, you are not a candidate for hair restoration surgery. Given your extensive hair loss at your young age (27) and your less-than-optimal hair characteristics (straight, dark, fine caliber hair), I really think you would be better served just keeping your hair buzzed relatively short and moving on. I know you don't want to hear this, but you asked.


    Hair restoration surgery can provided excellent cosmetic benefits for some guys, but not for others. Young guys with extensive male pattern baldness, high contrast between hair color and skin tone, average to below average donor density, and straight hair that is average to fine caliber (all of which describe you based on your photos), just don't make out so well with hair restoration.


    Keep this in mind: hair transplantation doesn't grow new hair or change one's hair characteristics. It only moves existing hair from the back of your head to a new location and attempts to arrange it in such a way as to create an illusion of more hair in the new location than there actually is. The less hair available to be moved (donor density), and the straighter and finer the caliber of that hair, and the greater the hair color-to- skin color contrast, and the larger the bald or thinning area(s) to be covered, and the greater the likelihood that the patient is likely to lose more hair going forward, the less likely that hair transplantation will provide long-term satisfactory cosmetic benefit. Unfortunately, you appear to possess all of the negative indicators.


    I'm really sorry to say this.


    Others may disagree.


    Whilst its not what i like to hear.... i appreciate the honesty - this forum isnt here to spoon feed us compliment's - i will take on board your feedback regarding the contract too that did cross my mind

  4. Hi


    So i am getting to grips with doctors i like now and i see a lot of mixed responses




    my photos are on there



    - one person told me not to load up on the grown i will need them for the front, is this a good piece of advice


    - will my bald patch ever be covered?


    - I have seen people advising not to get so many grafts done on the first FUE - i have been told i need around 4500-5000 (But truthfully i think i need 5500-6000)


    Dr Dogany is suggesting beard transplants to save my donor- is this a good suggestion?


    I just want someone who has had a HT to tell me what the best approach to take on all this is

  5. I will give you some advice


    i am 27 and was losing my hair at 20 ish i know what you are going through


    One thing i wish i did was take propecia earlier in life


    Please take a look at this


    Finasteride | Twins Hair Loss


    also - You have options like nanogen etc - but.... as great as it is for the time being, in the long run it just mask's the problem - i was using it a lot it probbaly suffacated my hair and made it fall out more.


    3 Years on, i am not petrified of the stuff falling out of my hair and people seeing what is under it - i would strictly stay away from the stuff, its a viscious circle and very addictive too.


    Take in to consideration if you get a HT now, you will forever be having to catch up with it as the hair starts to fall out of other area's


    All the best - please PM me if you want to ask any private question's

  6. Propecia is something i have never heard of before and it is something i wish i found out many years ago


    So today i have started taking the tablets - i am fully aware of the effects of it so i am going to trial it


    One thing i see on the internet though is a lot of magical wonders were it thickens people hair - now i never really beleive everything i read so i was just wanting to know what other people had thought about it.


    Did it help you gain hair back? i am not expecting miracles but it would be nice to know that i can add a little hair back on to my head.


    I also appreciate this may take a year or so

  7. Dr Doganay seems to be one of the many FUE doctors who use Body hair to try and help the grafts, this is the impression i am getting which i am kind of liking the idea of


    i have a thick beard and so this will give me more room to have more FUE's.


    With such a thick beard i would say i can probably get around 2-2500 fue grafts out of it...


    (i also get a lof of beard growth were i dont wan't it so he can go to town on certain area's of my face)

  8. Hi Guys


    so i am doing the "contact every doctor in the world" stage at the moment, i have recently contact doganay in turkey.


    Firstly - i got a response with in 2 hours which is incredible, this counts for a lot for me. i always think if you cant get a reply in an adequate time then i massivly fall out of joy with the place.


    Anyway - They recomened on first glance of photos i get 3500 FUE and 1000 beard.


    Cost is 2 Euro for FUE = 7000 Euro's

    beard = 2.5euro = 2500 EUROS


    Overall 9500 Euros = ?7K


    The price....Well its perfect i can't complain about that


    It's the beard bit that has bothered me, i rarely come across this on FUE, infact i have never heard of it before to be honest, not as a donor anyway


    I have digged and cannot find any reviews/photos of anyone in the same position? can anyone help me....


    would they be wanting to do beard to conserve my donor area?


    Anyway my biggest worry is....and i hate to say it, but why is it so cheap!!???


    Yes price is a concern to me, but i don't want bad results out of it, and i just cannot grasp the massive reduction. He has great reviews all over the place i just don't get why for that price not everyone is flooding over there



    He offers a 8% reduction if paying by cash(nice tax dodging there :) ) - that is included in the above cost.


    My pictures are here if anyone would like to take a look



  9. Firstly thank you everyone for the time you have given


    I never looked at the TUrkey doctors before , but i didnt realise how much cheaper they would be


    They both look incredible doctors so i don't quite understand why not everyone in europe is going to them??


    For 5000FUE is about ?8000 in turkey, which is almost half the price!!


    Price is a factor to me, i didn't want to go above ?10k on my inital surgery.really, so turkey might be an option for me.



    DrBlakeBloxham - will take on board your FUT advice, but i am so against it at the moment, i just want to have that option of a shaved head with out a scar in future available to me

  10. Hi guys


    Sorry i have posted something simmilar before, but i wanted to dig a little deeper


    So i have attached pictures of my hair - These pictures were taken 6-12 months ago,and beleive it or not. Today was the first time i had EVER looked at them.


    I have been so petrified to see how bad it is, i am 27 and have been nanogen for MANY years now. i wake up in a morning and put it straight on.


    When i wash my hair i have to turn the light off to dry it and then apply the nanogen in pitch black (thats just how scared i have been)


    Today was a big step in that i looked at the picture's. and even more so that i am posting them here.



    I want your opinion on what path i should take.


    I have sent a few photos to some consultants including Dr Farjo manchester & Dr Bisanga in brussel's.


    Dr Farjo - i need to attend a consultation


    Dr Bisanga - They gave me a rough estimate of 5000 FUE Graft's needed.



    With Dr Farjo this would probably cost around ?18,000

    With Dr Bisanga in the region of ?14k +(1k in travel expenses etc)


    Anyway either way - these are massively expensive due to the work i need


    With FUE the 5000 graft's wont be the end of it - i reckon i would need another 1-2000 in time to come too - so i would say maybe around ?20K.



    I am just at the point of - Do i just have done with it and shave my head on and maybe get SMP instead with a shaved head.


    I just don't know what to do.


    Would you guys say 5000 is probably an accurate figure for the amount of hair loss i have?


    Hair loss is giving me huge depression - and i am sure i am not the only one.


    I am just sick of having to apply nanogen all the time, and because i have been covering it for so long ...if Anyone saw the real me i am petrified of the reaction they would give me.


    Nanogen has been brilliant to me, but i am just stuck in a vicious circle with it.







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