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Posts posted by Indexo

  1. back after more than 2 years of the operation to answer any question.


    One year mark was disappointing. Now 2 years mark (and I believe is final is much better) and I can comb my hair and if I use some concealer, no one would think I am bald dude


    I asked for refund at one year mark and Dr agreed to pay around 50%. I didn't take it.


    Now 2 years result are OK and I accept it.. I was hoping for more in the middle area but I guess this area is dead skin or something... not sure


    Dr Yaman is good IMO and I would still recommend him

  2. Any updates/images Indexo?


    I am here and I will hit my 1 year mark after 3 weeks. I don't think anything will change from the current situation.


    However, I will send some photos next week in different lighting conditions and will comb my hair in different ways... and then I will publish them here after I hear the Dr opinion for the last time. I respected his request but I have not forgotten


    I have not cut my hair since the OP. Should I, or what! maybe I will take pictures in both situation


    I took passport photos couple of days ago. I had used wet GEL to comb my hair backward as it was the only way to take a good photo! Not very happy with the thin look!


    I really don't know. Good long hair covers bad spots ...!


    Lighting conditions differ a lot. I feel the area I had most grafts is not good sadly... It has spoiled everything since it is the middle area.. makes my hair hard to comb in all ways


    any recommendations, how I should shoot the final pictures!


    outdoor, indoor, sunny day, in the shadow, combing my hair backward, with GEL, combing my hair downward, light distance, etc...


    I feel all give different results.... sadly!

  3. One week and I will complete the 10 months mark.


    Results have improved since my 8 months mark. Still not sure about the final results.


    I will respect the Dr Yaman request to wait for final results before publishing the photos so I don't do any harm to him.


    Yes, results are better but I believe have density problem!


    waiting ... waiting ... tired of waiting ... but can't do anything but waiting

  4. hello, hope all is well..any updates?


    Nope, poor regrowth... minimal regrowth during the 7th months sadly.


    I sent couple of image to the Dr and he asked me to wait longer bcs my former operation took longer to see the results. He asked me to wait until 1 year mark to see the final results.


    I will be honest regardless of how good/bad is the final results. I am not promoting for anyone..



    I am disappointed and very worried at this period sadly... quite unfortunate:(:(:(

  5. Yes, I have completed the 6 months


    I hesitated to write a feedback because I can’t estimate the regrowth percentage from photos I took.


    It goes between 15% to 40% depends on the light source and the way I comb my hair. Even it might look more than 40% a bit dark room during daylight (no direct sun light into the room) but it looks about 15% while sitting directly under the room lamp. I guess there are thin hairs and gaps now.


    I don’t wish to cause damage to the clinic or the people waiting for my final results. I think I started to notice some regrowth only by 4.5 months.


    I was disappointed by 5 months mark but now I feel better.


    I could post photos that would encourage the others or the opposite that would harm the clinic but both are not accurate


    In the shower mirror it looks like 25% regrowth but hard to really estimate due to fact I had other HT on front line


    I am trying to estimate based on middle zone which still have some gaps and thin hair which I believe is normal - I hope


    By 9 months, I believe it would the final results and I will post photos under different light source for you to make the judgment.


    I am trying to be fair as much as possible for everyone.


    I have not taken any meds, topical solutions (minox or any others) or special shampoos. I am having natural regrowth and my results would show reality, IMO

  6. I have completed 4.5 months by this week. There is nothing to report. Very early.


    I don't even take photos daily or check the process, I have enough stress in my life already


    I think there are tiny hairs coming out but can't see any real "great" growth yet. I hope things will change after 6 months mark


    remember I don't take any meds or topical solutions so probably my growth will be slower and my results might not be "amazing"


    My last HT had slow growth as well. Almost nothing before 7 months mark


    I hope great results but nothing to report so far

  7. Previous operation 1200 grafts with famous doctor in Istanbul in September 2010:

    I will not name the famous doctor despite horrible experience. I could speak about it 5 years ago but I had more important issues in my life. Also, I had the idea that I was to blame for any bad results.


    The experience was nightmare from start to end. After landing in Istanbul I had to wait 2-3 hours in the airport. The driver didn't show up and I had to buy sim card and use paid telephone to call the clinic but that was the most simple part of the experience. The clinic changed my residents from near the clinic to far away hotel that would take 45 mins to reach during traffic but still that was no big deal.

    I met the famous doctor and he looked at my baldness and donor area for few seconds and told me our estimation on email was wrong you need much more grafts and your donor area is very poor. I was shocked and felt sad. I had no more money. Actually that sum was all my savings. The doctor told me to if you want to cancel the operation is up to you. I don't mind, He told me that many times !!! WTH?

    I was disappointed, I could not know what to say or to do. I decided to do only 1200 grafts instead of 2400 grafts since is would be useless anyway for my case if I do 2400. I only wanted to perform the operation to learn more about it and make decision next year after I see the results

    The doctor kept telling me to take Finasteride, and my answer was no. He told me it has no side effects and he is using it himself for years but I refused.


    This is something HRN must ask users to mention after they perform the HT if they were using Finasteride or not because the final results will be different and much better for patients started to take Finasteride after the operation

    Next day, I shaved my long hair and the doctor looked at it and told me that your donor is very good! OMG



    I insisted I will only do 1200 grafts to front line. I would not do full session. Operation started and the famous doctor did very little. Like drawing the lines and extracting few grafts and the rest were done by three nurses. That left me wondering why it was very expensive since the doctor does not perform all the operation or most of it.

    At the last hour of the operation, the doctor told me to keep 200 grafts for tomorrow and he will offer me another 200 grafts for free? what kind of BS was that?

    The results were average. I could not estimate the success rate and the doctor made me feel I was to blame and my big bald area needs many more grafts to cover that I could not pay for.

    I didn't think about performing any other operation after the horrible and expensive experience but I learned from it that not all great results we see are 100% from HT since some patients start to take Finasteride only after the operation. I learned also that online consultation is useless

  8. My hair loss History:

    My hair loss started long time ago. I guess more than 12 years. I started to worry about it in 2005 and tried many topical solutions but never had the courage to take Finasteride. I read a lot. I spent hours and days and night reading between 2005 and 2010 and my final decision that only HT is the solution to my hair loss. I would never take Finasteride and minoxidil was not the solution despite the good results. I thought I would end in NW5 eventually.

  9. Hi all




    I will speak about my positive experience with Dr Yaman and previous FUE operation I had five years ago. I just want to explain why my operation with Dr Yaman was positive comparing to previous horrible experience. If you are interested in reading about my history with hairloss and previous experience then read first and second replies to this topic.





    Few months ago I started to consider another HT after reading online forums. I found that good affordable doctors started to become famous and popular and also motor fue can give good results.



    I contacted many doctors or even nurses in Istanbul. I contacted more than 10 clinics but never made any appointment. From my previous experience, I would never book with any clinic based on online consultation.



    I booked a flight to Istanbul on 12 August. I was going anyway for holiday. I told the clinics that I am coming on this date and then I will visit some of them and based on live consultations I would choose one clinic. I have already chosen 4-5 clinics I wanted to visit. I felt that these clinics suit my budget and they showed good results online.





    Few hours before the flight, I received whatsapp message from Dr Resul Yaman interpreter asking me when I will come to Istanbul. They offered me a free consultation and they would pick me up from any place in Istanbul. I booked hotel in Taksim which is far away from Dr Result clinic but that was not an issue. They sent the drive next day in the morning promising me if we don't agree they will return me back :)



    I only wanted to hear Dr Yaman opinion about my case. I thought I will visit all clinics before I could take decision but it didn't happen. Dr Yaman was professional in my opinion. He told me what I wanted to hear. I have already estimated how many grafts I need and I knew I cloud not cover the crown area because my bald area is big.



    He told me that I need 4500 grafts for frontline (I had 1200 grafts) and middle zone and he will try to insert more 500 grafts in the crown if he could extract them but he didn't promise me. He told me more than this number is dangerous and he does not perform.



    He looked at my long hair and used some laser scanner to check the donor area and told me it was very good and the thickness was great.



    I decided to perform the operation with him. I heard what I wanted to hear and the price was good. Also I received email from HRN about considering Dr Yaman for recommendations. The email encouraged me to make the decision.



    Next day in the morning, the driver picked me up and went to hospital were I shaved my hair and the operation started. Dr Yaman did most of the operation by himself including extracting all grafts and making the incisions.



    He told me that he uses FUE motor at low speed so it mimic manual FUE. The doctor showed great care as if it was his own head and hair. I was satisfied.



    I had very nice interpreter with me all the time. If he wanted to leave the room he would take permission from me. Very nice man.



    Operation started bit late but took about 8-9 hours. There were 5 nurses helping the doctor and they were all very nice and kind.



    The doctor split the operation into 3 parts. Each part some grafts get extracted and then the nurses place them in. Dr Yaman does not keep the grafts outside for long time. I thought that was better than extracting all grafts at once.



    After the first part, I went out to eat. I saw boy who had operation with Dr Yaman. Half of his head was burnt. Dr Yaman performed HT operation months or year ago and the young man got his life back. I was happy for him. His operation was successful and I told Dr Yaman if any other expensive clinic had the same results they would use it as an advertisement.



    During the operation, Dr Resul Yaman received his recommendation from HRN. So I was the special patient. The first patient after the doctor received his recommendations





    Every thing went well. 4450 grafts the total number of grafts I got. Some grafts were inserted into the crown area as well.



    I got the medicine and the shampoos. I was taken back to hotel by the driver. The clinic had their annual holiday 2 days later but I had to do the first wash. So very nice beautiful nurse came back from holiday with the interpreter and the driver to perform the washing.



    I stayed in Istanbul for 1 month. The first 4 days I did not leave the hotel then went out to buy some food for short period. I didn't go out more than half hour in the morning and same in the night for the first 9-10 days but later after 2 weeks I started my real holiday



    During my stay at hotels, 3 Turkish men asked me where I had my operation and they told me it was very good. I gave them the contact number and the name of the doctor.



    After 2 weeks I developed yellow dandruff on transplanted hair. After 3 weeks this hair with yellow dandruff started to fall on any soft touch. I went back to clinic and doctor told me not to worry since the hair bulb was not included. Now after 1 month most of transplanted hair fall. I started my shedding period early.



    Of course what matters is the final result. I feel optimistic unlike the previous operation. I am not expecting dreams but I have hopes that finally I will start to look good.



    I have not taken any photos for long time. I will post now a photo 2 days after the operation







  10. I had my operation with Dr Yaman today and just came back to hotel.

    I got 4450 grafts .. I am suffering from baldness for 10 years



    The Dr and his staff were very kind


    I will share my full experince when I go back home in 2 weeks.. I am posting from my phone


    I had previous FUE operation 5 years ago and was bad experince but today was the opposite


    I hope the results will be good ..


    I can say the HRN made the right decesion by recommending dr Yaman


    Keep the good job Dr Yaman

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