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Posts posted by Capillus

  1. Hello dear community,


    I had a bad done eyebrow transplantation in the past and wanted to get it "fixed" by another doctor now. I waited a year for the appointment and now, that it is there and I traveled to the clinic, I was confronted with something that isn't easy to hear. All the hairs have to be removed with laser first and this means that I will be running around without any eyebrows for some months (the removal takes some sessions and between each of them there is one month of pause). So you can imagine that this isn't what I was expecting. I was thinking that the hairs have to be removed too but I thought this would be easier (in the surgery itself or plucking them myself even). Is there anyone with a similar case and can tell me more about it? Have you had laser experience with transplanted hair? Do you have any recommendation? I am happy for any kind of advice. Thanks!




  2. Hello Sadbrows,


    first of all I hope that you will get better soon! Sometimes waiting does a lot. Since I had a bad experience myself with my first eyebrow transplant and I want to get a new one to repair it, I am interested in this too. Who was the doctor? You can also answer by PM if you prefer.

    It seems that there are not so many experts on this area like on the usual transplantation of the head hair. Lets hope that this gets better. I wisch you the best!

  3. Dear FrankyBoy,


    great to meet (even if it is virtual) somebody with the same quest. Where do you live? It is unbelievable for me that there are so few good doctors in Europe (at least in Germany, where I live, it seems like that). Yes, you are right, Feriduni is fully booked. But on the other side this is a good sign and I prefer to wait for a good treatment than to get one fast and then regret it (I already have one behind me).


    Dear Spex,


    thanks for sharing your experience with Lumigan. It is looking good! I have read about this before but there seem to be some side effects (like with each medicament). Did you notice anything? I read too that if you stop, the growing stops too. So you would need to stick to the medicament a whole life (or until you don't care anymore so much about appearance). Do you know something about the procedure about "drawing" the new eyebrows before transplantation? I ask because I had a bad experience with it (they started without sketching it first and the result of course looked like it), so this time I want to be careful that it fits to my face, that it is symmetrical and so on. Would be nice to hear how Feriduni handles it (if he does it or there is somebody specialized with a great cosmetically eye) since not everyone masters drawing two good looking symmetrical eyebrows.




  4. Dear Bill,


    thanks for your answer! I hope I did all right by opening a new thread: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/180351-eyebrow-restoration-europe.html

    Is it posible to send messages to people too? Or should I always use this reply feature? I ask because I don?t want to spam a thread with some basic questions.

    However: it is awesome to find a forum full of people with the same problems. Hope that we all can help each other with our experiences.

    It is interesting to see that in the States eyebrow restoration is known by many doctors. Sadly it seems that in Europe it is still an unknown field. But maybe there is someone good over here too. I am thankful for every hint.




  5. Dear compassionate friends of full hair,


    I am searching a good doctor for eyebrow transplantation. It seams like there are a lot in America but unfortunately not so many where I live (Berlin). I read through a German forum and most users seem to have the opinion that you can forget Germany for it. I don't know if this is right, if every country writes that in his forum, etc pp. That is the reason why I would appreciate if someone of you could clarify my mind a little. Do I really have to go over to the States to get a good job done respecting the eyebrows or it possible over here (Europe) too? Is there something like the best doctor in Europe (or in the world) for it? I have a long exhausting odyssey (got burned, permanent make up, lasers etc) with my eyebrows behind me and would be really thankful if I could put an end to it. Hope that someone has some good news for me. Thanks.




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