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Posts posted by kumar84

  1. With the products and PRP, you are stimulating hair growth (anagen) and strengthening the caliber of your hair, so you may want to include the b vitamins (biotin) too.


    As a male, your hairline will naturally recede to some extent as you continue to age.


    I Take biotin everyday........Ofcourse i agree with the fact that we naturally recede our hairline as we continue to age, but i am regularly taking FIN and minoxidil to stop further damage. Still i dont see any change(in the receding hairline) or regrowth

  2. Hi guys my hair loss journey started with a PRP treatment(may2015) till then i was a norwood II immediately after the treatment i lost some native hair. So i asked the doctor he said it is common to loose the weak follicles and u'll see the regrowth in around 6 months.

    From then i was drinking hairloss protein shakes and using minoxidil once a day fin 0.5mg(M/W/F) and good caffeine shampoo. It's been over an year but still no luck with my receding hairline.

  3. I did consult Dr.jerry cooley as he has alot of experience with prp/acell. He said that it is normal to have shockloss and some tingly sensation and said i should be see results after 4 months.But my concern is that it's already been 4 months and i dont see any new growth and my hair is really weak and still losing hair. I just made an appointment with a local trichologist and will see how it goes. BTW i am planing for hair transplant this coming january

  4. Alez-Even i am a newbie to this forum buddy. So not sure how it works. First of all like i mentioned in the personal message i got the PRP/Acell done for my hairloss on may 21. It's a bit painfull procedure but somehow coped with it. Exactly after a week i saw lot of bald patches on my head. Then i contacted Diane about my sudden hairloss and bald patches. She told that this is common(shock loss) and i should be seeing new strong hair in and around 3-4 months. Now i am at 4 month mark and i dont see any new growth and left with lot of bald patches.


    Personally the doctor and his staff seemed really nice. It's just that procedure i have an issue with

  5. First of all thanks for your reply David. My only problem is that basically this may i am at NW2 to NW2v. I got a little worried and i dont want to try fin so i opted for prp/acell in may which turned out to be a bad decision. Now i am in between NW2v to 3. At this point i am really worried about my hairfall because i have a major event(my wedding) to attend this december and my hairloss is at it's worse so i consulted Dr.cooley. He gave a quote of 2000 grafts which i am planning to get transplanted this coming january after my wedding. He did say that fin can help but at the same time he warned me of the side effects.

  6. Hi guys,

    I past 3 weeks i am on a new regimen(remox solution which is 5% minox , regenpure and fin 0.5 mon/wed/fri) and looks like my hairloss is stable now. But my only concern is that i felt the sides from the fin so i dropped the dosage from 1.25 to 0.5.

    Not much change so should i still continue with the fin and give it some time or should i stop it immediately?

  7. Hi Guys,

    This may i got PRP/acell done in jersey by dr.jefferey wise. Like i mentioned in my previous post i lost 15% of my native hair and i see lot of bald patches now and did see the doctor who performed this treatment and all he suggested me is to go for corticosteroid injections. Actually he said he'll do it for free.

    I also started using proscar 5mg (1.25mg every other day) and did get the side effects.


    My hair is a real mess now and my marriage is set for this december. Did anyone know any information about the corticosteroid injections? Should i continue using Fin?

  8. Hi guys,

    This is kumar a newbie to this forum. I hope every one is doing great. I recently got prp acell done for my hair loss but instead i lost more density than before. I called up the doctor and asked him about this and he said that this is common and i will get new hair in 3-4 months in place of the lost ones. At this point i am really concerned because i a seeing more and more bald spots. Did anyone experience the same with the following treatment?

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