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Posts posted by Esptein1

  1. Hello all,


    So I've lost a LOT of hair in the past three weeks, and it hasn't just been on the hairline or crown. The sides have been shedding and I've developed weird lines across the sides that were not there before. Doctor has diagnosed it as TE- I'm under a serious amount of stress preparing for the bar exam right now. I realize that some see TE as wishful thinking, but it would explain why it's all shedding in a matter of weeks- I never even had this spot in the back before I stepped up the prep work. Here's hoping for the best and seeing if it regrows.

  2. Hello,


    I've had the same "whorl" part spot on the back of my head for a long time. Recently I've become paranoid that it is becoming a bald spot (see attached image). Any advice or input? My hairline is moderately receding in front, but nothing crazy. Please excuse my wavy hair (have not showered yet today).






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